
Kazushi Sakuraba vs Melvin Manhoef - Who will win?

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dream 4 fight video:




  1. Manhoef.  Saukuraba is long gone from his glory days

  2. Sakuraba would win, they dont call him the gracie hunter for nothing

  3. Sakuraba. If he gets it to the ground, he wins. He may be getting old, but he's still got some surprises in the old trick bag.

  4. It's pretty obvious that Sakuraba would win.

    If Melvin can't finish him or get him first with his punch and knock Sakuraba out, it's pretty much over. Sakuraba also got punched by somebody that hits just as hard as Manhoef and got tons of clean hits but didn't get knocked out and finished his opponent so I think Sakuraba can just go for a takedown and win with a submission sooner or later.

  5. Sak is a legend and is a little past his prime.  I think melvin would be a little to much unless sak could wear him down and take the fight to the mat

  6. Come on now.. This guy is the Gracie Hunter, Sherdog's top ranked Japanese fighter of all time, quite possibly the BEST ground technician outside of the Gracie family (which he defeated almost an entire generation of).

    He's past his time yes. If I we're him I would retire, but he just loves the sport so much I suppose.

    I mean Sakuraba is the real life version of the 80 year old guy you see in the Kung Fu movies that can whoop everyone's butt.

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