
Keep coming insects into rice. after i clear insects its coming again. how to clear them off?

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The insects are coming automatically into the rice. how to clearthem off and how to control them. i cannot get neem leafs to put into that. can someone please advice me. Thanks




  1. You can put any type of edible oil in the rice and store them. In one kg rice put a teaspoon of oil. The rice should be washed before cooking. The lid of the jar, bottle or storage container should be closed tightly. You can store rice in the refrigerator if you buy them in small quantity.

    To clean infected rice, spread them on a platter and dust the insects away. Rinse and soak the rice properly before cooking.

    If you are staying in India, you can easily get neem leaves from vegetable vendors especially the ones who sell lady finger (Okra) because it is stored in neem leaves at the time of transportation.

  2. Good luck. I hate those little buggers!!!

    What I did was i cleaned out the cupboard, sprayed some Bug Killer spray...Now I keep the rice in a plastic container...

    Or next time U buy rice keep in your fridge...

    or if you want to learn more about them read below:

    Rice weevil: This weevil is almost 1/8 inch long, reddish-brown to nearly black and marked with four light red to yellow spots on the wing covers. Unlike the granary weevil, it has a second pair of wings under the wing covers and can fly. Its biology and habits are very similar to that of the granary weevil.

    Methods of Control

    Sanitation is the best method of control and prevention at present. Removal of all cereal refuse does away with possible breeding places for the insects.

    Therefore, controlling insect pests in stored cereal products should include the following steps:

    Discard all infested foodstuffs and place all newly purchased flour, sugar, breakfast food and similar products in canister-type containers.

    Thoroughly clean the cupboard and storage bins of all refuse material. Be sure to clean out the cracks along the shelves and top of the cupboard. Scrub out these areas with soap and water, adding a little household disinfectant.

    Purchase foods in quantities small enough so they may be used up rapidly.

    Keep all food storage space clean at all times.

    Spray the shelves or other infested areas lightly, particularly cracks where shelves and cupboards come together.

    Suggested insecticides include resmethrin, sumithrin, tetramethrin, permethrin and pyrethins.

    Caution: All foodstuffs and cooking utensils should be removed before spraying. All sprayed surfaces should be allowed to dry thoroughly before packaged foods or utensils are placed back. Small children should not be allowed to come in contact with the insecticide until the sprayed surface has dried completely.

    When spray dries, cover shelves with clean, fresh paper before replacing packaged food and utensils.


    Nonchemical control: Either destroy the infested products, or salvage them by heating in an oven at 130 degrees Fahrenheit for one-half hour, or super-cooling by placing in a deep freeze at 0 F for four days.


  3. Keep small quantities of rice at a time, mostly during the rainy season and if possible put some tobacco leafs , u get those from the Pan . Do not crush the leafs..

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