
Keep making needy friends?

by  |  earlier

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I have been realizing lately that I have a tendency to make friends that are really needy. The kind that call 10 times a day and get mad if you don't answer them. The kind that always assume you are angry at them if you want a day to yourself. When I was talking to my mother about this, she said that I have always had friends like that. Why do you think I attract these types of people..or maybe do I seek them out subconciously?




  1. Thats a toughy!! But the question is are you happy makeing friends with these types of people?? You must be then if you keep making friends with them. It sounds like a sub-consious thing. I used to do it myself but I have seem to have growen out of it. Maybe you will to. Always have hope!

  2. I think you just automatically attract those people,maybe you just like ppl like that but u dont notice.if thatz what it is then it isnt bad and its not weird.i hope i helped.bye

  3. Maybe it's because you were nice to them and that you are the only one they depend on.These friends of yours may have been lonely and that you are the only one they have as a friend.

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