
Keep my pool super clean?

by  |  earlier

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Hello! My parent are giving me money to keep the pool clean this summer. Keep the pump going, vacumm, ect. But on the sides were theres no more water, theres this green, and they said if i get it off they will give me an extra money. Any stuff that i can put in the pool to make it super super clean? Like stuff you find around the house? I want to wow them in how clean the pool is. Oh and our pool is an above ground pool. Like 4'3ft and 4'9 in some spot.




  1. chemicals.

  2. Nothing you add to the water will will clean off the algae that is growing above the water line. You can use clorox clean up, a brush and a sponge to clean it off. The bleach in the clorox clean up will kill the algae. If you want to shock the pool you can add regular unscented 6% clorox but I cant tell you how much to put in without knowing how many gallons the pool is.

  3. Use a pool chemical called Algecide. It kills alge. Get anything you might use to clean like a shower with, and a tooth brush, or scrub brush, to get it clean.

    If you really want it clean, I recommend using the chemicals I listed below. We use these each year, and our pool stays crystal clear all summer. you can see from one side to the other, and it is perfect and clean.

    Here are the chemicals you need

    Chlorine tablets

    Clarifier(makes it crystal clear)

    Super Clarifier


    Shock It

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope I helped

  4. I bought a pool from Craigslist & when I got it, it had the green stuff all around the ring. We tried bleach, Fantastik, Mean Green, and some others & non of it worked.  We finally tried Greased Lightening & it worked really well!!  We have a local store here called Marc's that we got it at, but you might be able to find it at Wal-Mart.  Anyway, you should try it; it came right off!

  5. Dump bleach and amonia in the pool it will kill all the germs

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