
Keeper league online draft help!?

by  |  earlier

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I am the commish of a keeper league. The draft will be held in a chatroom or something of the sort starting at round 6 with certain players already "kept".

Question, where can I get 10 people online IM'ing each other for the draft? Can I goto Yahoo IM and add 10 people at once? Or do i need to try another website. (hopefully free!). Anyone have a draft online on their own before?

Thanks for the help and my league thanks you in advance.




  1. u could use aim. go in a chat room invite everybody and then they tell u who they want

  2. You would need to go into Yahoo messenger, click Actions on the top, go all the way down to "Invite to conference..." and add all the people that are in the league.

    This is probably too late but I hope everything worked out. At least you know for next time.

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