
Keeping AU passport when getting a British Passport?

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I am an australian citizen, with an australian passport.

My father is British, which I assume automatically makes me a British citizen,

The application form for a British passport requires me to surrended any previous passport, but I want to keep my australian passpost.

What is the easiest way to get dual passports.




  1. The previous passports they are asking you to surrender are any british passports you have had (if any).  They cannot and will not demand your Australian passort.

    I am in your situation: I carry two passports, and find the british one to be invaluable when travelling overseas.

    Simply fill in all of the forms required, and add the relevant documents and photos.  

    Remember, also check if you are entitled to a UK passport, but it should be no issue because of patrality: your father being a British citizen.

    Oh, and a note to the advice to ring the British High Commission: they charge big time for over the phone advice: I copped a couple of years ago.

  2. This isn't an issue for you - they are asking you to surrender any previous British passports.

    You are correct, you almost certainly already an Australian / British dual national. This does not present a legal problem in either country.

  3. I dont believe that you are automatically a british citizen, but this depends on the year that you were born. You should check on this first. The rules have also changed in the last few years about dual citizenship. My grandfather is Irish, so I had to apply to become an Irish Citizen. Then I had to apply for an Irish passport (well it is an EU passport nowadays). I did not have to give up my australian passport (or citizenship). This may have changed though... the best thing to do is to speak to someone at the British Consulate or High Commission and they will give you the most up to date advice. I found this info as well:


  4. Both the UK and Australia allow dual nationality and therefore two passports so I am at a loss as to why they are asking you to surrender the passport. Ring the British Embassy to get the information you need.

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