
Keeping God out of it Why is wrong for 2 men to marry?

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How could my 18 year old relationship effect you and yours

No Haters and no Flamers. If you can't be civil that don't bother.

May we all be blessed with peace and Happiness in our lifes.




  1. It's not wrong. If you keep god out of it, the argument against it disintegrates.

  2. The plumbing don't work.  You need an inny and an outie, i.e. male & female.  Two outies don't work.  That's leaving god out of it, in which if you don't look upon god for advise, you're life will be miserable.

  3. To me, if you believe in God and he has said that marriage is only meant to be between a man and a woman and he has created us, then that's the way it's suppose to be.

    Oh and the whole argument is because of what God has said so you can't say, "Keeping God out of it."  

  4. Honestly it don't really bother me if two people of the same s*x want to show there love by exchanging vows in front of people that dear to them.. The problem society can't seem to get "past that" and so there its an issue for some..

    Its like I don't care what you do behind clothes doors just as I'd hope what I do behind clothes does has anything to do with anyone else...

  5. Everyone has the right to be happy regardless of gender!

    Peace and happiness to you as well :)

  6. You'll have no complaints here. Love is love is love is love.

    Also, it is not "against nature"  as one of the answerers stated. See the link below.

  7. That is the problem... Religion. It started out being a religious "sacrament" and evolved to being a Government thing, i.e. now it's both. But the government aspect should be about their sphere, i.e. the benefits, etc of the "union" and the religious aspects should stay separate. But unfortunately the religious people of this country believe they can tell the government and all of the people what to do. That is always wrong. The solution is let religions "marry" people but that ceremony should have no force and effect of law. And let the Gov't "join" people and that be the law. Keep them separate.

  8. To be honest. I really don't care anymore.   I used to be adamant that marriage was only for men and women, but with so many morons out there divorcing at a rate of nearly 60%, messing up kids and stuff, I realized marriage is pretty much a joke to so many people, why not just let anyone couple who truly want to get married do so?

    So.... I don't know if I think it's right or wrong-- I just don't particularly care anymore.

  9. I think it's sick... and may be that's justt one of the ways AIDS got started and shared...  Having s*x in your B u t t h ol e is where all the S H I T came from is just not right it's toxins...

  10. This may sound stupid, but I always thought that one of the reasons that a man and a woman got married was to reproduce and bring more lives to this world. How do you propose to do that with two men? What is it that you are bringing into this world? But if everyone married the same s*x, How would the world keep its population up? I understand how people love one another. but it just makes more sense to me to marry the different sexes and produce life.

  11. It takes a man AND a woman to make a baby NATURALLY and that is done through s*x.

    2 men cannot reproduce and create a family neither can 2 women.

    Same s*x desire is perversion of nature,and I am not going to accept it as good and normal sorry.

    Every s*x therapist I have heard speak on the topic of anal s*x has always warned against it because it is dangerous to a person's health man or woman.

    A person's r****m  was not created for s*x.

    Now let's bring GOD into it.

    Maybe THESE are some of the reasons HE is against homosexuality.

  12. Funny how you limit your answers.  "Tell what is wrong, but don't include this and that and the other."  Good luck with that.

  13. The most unreligious people, could say Its wrong.

    Some see it as gross, and aren't willing to accept it.

    I see no other reason.  

  14. I have no problem with two men marrying.

  15. I don't see any problem with anyone getting married to someone they love as long as you're not related.

    When my husband and I were interviewed by our catholic church to be married the subject of same s*x marriage came up b/c it was just legalized in Canada... our Priest said, something along the lines of,

    "if you allow any two people to marry then what's to stop a father from wanting to marry his daughter."  it still didn't make sense.  i thought just change to law to allow two people not related to marry, has nothing to do with the couple being the same s*x.

  16. you cant keep religion out of it. thats why they think its wrong. i personally think its more than ok for 2 men to marry as well as 2 women

  17. I don't see nothing wrong with that. I think if you are happy who cares. It between the 2 people so nobody should get into it.  

  18.   Let me start by saying that I am married to a wonderful woman and have never had any g*y feelings. But I feel that it does not matter who you chose to spend the rest of your life with as long as you are both happy. I really do not believe that my GOD cares who you have s*x with as long as you have a good heart and are good to your fellow human beings. My God is a loving and forgiving God.He only cares about whats in your heart.Some people go through their whole life never knowing what real love and commitment is.Getting married is more than a piece of paper.It is a commitment to each other in front of God and your friends and family. Good luck and remember that God loves you no matter who you have s*x with.As long as it is not a family member.

  19. well, i am wanting to marry my life partner and it seems ppl are still stuck in the 1800s. if your happy, then whats the problem? i dont think its fair, considering we dont picket heterosexual weddings. in fact we pretty much leave them alone. why cant they?

  20. you said "may we all be blessed....." if you can't keep GOD out of it how can I? I can't condone what God condemns.

  21. Ok, I'm not g*y, but were the h**l in the 10 Commandants does it say "g**s burn in h**l?"

  22. Exactly~how can your 18 year old relationship effect me & mine? The answer to that is "It Can't!" Congratulations on your long relationship & i wish you every happiness for your married life together. You obviously love each other & are very committed to your relationship so ignore the "knockers" & be happy. You probably have a much stronger & happier relationship then a lot of hetrosexuals! Hope you have a long & happy married life!

  23. There is nothing wrong, where I live in New Zealand, it is called a civil union and has been legal for years. Marriage is not a religious festival, it is a public declaration of a commitment between two people who love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together.

    I find it kind of funny those that spout forth with the religous side of things, but are quite happy with divorce which does not feature in the bible, and second marriages are a definate no no. So go figure, if you are happy and it suits you, go for it.

  24. Its an old and weary controversial subject. What makes what right and who's the proper authority on the subject?

    Technically speaking the word "marriage" is a religious term, meaning the union of one man and one woman to share life and procreate, blah blah blah...

    On the other hand, I have no problem using the term "civil union" between two persons of the same gender because that's what it is. A civilized union of two people working toward a common goal: peace and happiness.

  25. No fair! God owns this world and everything in it.  It is impossible to keep Him out of it, since we are created in HIS image--like HIM.  

    Anyways, this is what is wrong. Let me illustrate.  The other day I took up two toys with magnets.  At one end, the two magnets immediately attached themselves.  Then I turned them the other way.  The force of resistance was so strong, I had to muster up a lot of energy to try to get them to touch each other, they didn't.  It was not natural for the 2 positives/negatives to go together.

    Sweetie, it is just not the natural course of things for two men to be together. Someone was pointing out the natural order of things between a man and a woman, one has a 'h-l-e" (the v) and the other has a stick to plant in it (the p).  But two men are two sticks.

    I know what you said about keeping God out of it, but remember this, we are only humans and humans were created by a being that will one day require  a report of things done in the body they received.  It will then be important to know God then.  When you feel like it, read Romans 1 to see what is really wrong with it.

  26. People think it's wrong for all kinds of reasons, they think it's nasty, they can't imagine what two men would want from each other or two women for that matter, they think it's morally wrong (no religious thinking involved) and have heard people say they think it's a mark against society as a whole.  

    It's always been taboo in our society until these recent years, and at one point in time homosexuality was considered a mental defect/disease that might even be treatable.  50 years ago bringing it out in the open would have been ludicrous and would probably have caused somebody to do something very nasty to you.  

  27. it doesn't matter. it doesn't effect anyone but the two people marrying. religion is the only problem.

    we built our country so that the goverment and the church were seperate, so it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that g*y marriage is illegal.

  28. It doesn't really effect me and I don't really care. I have nothing against homosexuals and I think people should be happy in life, as it is short. Congrats on being with the same person for so long.

    I don't think a homosexual union should be called a "marriage". Things have a name for a reason and that reason is so that people will understand one another. A apple is one thing and an orange is another.  If you called them both apples people would constantly be in a state of confusion in regard to fruit. I think marriage should be known as a union between a man and a woman and a domestic union should be any other legal union. I know California already has these. A domestic union can be for any two people who legally want to be bound to one another and be each others next of kin. I think each person who enters into this union should be checked to make sure he or she is sane at the time so that no one will be able to cheat an elderly or mentally ill person our of their money.

    I also think that having the 2 terms will help banks and insurance companies be able to distinguish between the 2 different types of relationship. For instance, if a couple is named Pat and Jamie and they are marked as married, the insurance will not be able to know if biological children are possible or not. In banks, they would have to double check even more records to see if both a male and female were invovled.

    I know g*y marriage is going to happen regardless of what I think, but I think marriage should be for a man and a woman and domestic unions should be for homoesexuals or any two people who want to be bound for any other reason.

    I know that makes you angry but it has nothing to do with God or hate. I have nothing against homosexuals. I simply feel that words exist to avoid confusion and if there are multiple definitions of marriage it will cause confusion.

  29. Some people believe marriage is a special bond between a man an a woman.  I guess they don't think two men or two women can bond in marriage.  

    To me marriage is a ceremony between you your spouse and God.  So keeping God out of a marriage isn't really a marriage.  Thus the reason for a priest or pastor to marry you.  In that thought how could two men actually marry one another?  Now they could have a commitment ceremony to one another.  

  30. I am in no way a hater. Looking at it from an analytical point of view, marriage by it's nature is supposed to be a covenant between people, basically asking for a blessing from God upon their union. I guess that is why you can't really leave Him completely out of it. If you look at marriage as a contract made for the sake of recognizing your union in the eyes of the law, there is NO reason that you should not be able to marry. If the fact that you love another human being is a problem for some people, that is their problem. You love who you love! Good luck, and peace and happiness to you too.

  31. I've often wondered why two same-s*x individuals feel the need to label their union with the word "marriage".

    Trying my best-est to, as you typed, keep God out of it; another source Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines marriage as the following: "The institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family."

    I'll reverse the question: Why is it right for two men to marry?

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