I have three large mouse cages.
Cage 1 : contains one male, and one female who is now pregnant.
Cage 2: contains 3 females, 2 of which are pregnant, one which can't have babies, and one male.
Cage 3: empty.
I was wondering what would be the best way to contain the mice, keeping in mind that babies will be born in a bout 5 or 6 days.
The two males are brothers, but although they got on well in the past, I feel I cannot put them together now.
Can three pregnant females go together happily?
The cage is large enough to give them all their own space.
I could put the males together, with something like plastic down the middle of the cage to divide the, but I dont know how best to go about this. Any help here would be great too.
These are the cages I have.
Cage 1: http://www.pet-supply-store.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=574825
Cage 2: http://www.pet-accessory.com/store/ct/small_pet/cages/traditional/savic_rody_metro_de_luxe,7124.aspx?itm=7124
Cage 3: http://www.twenga.co.uk/offer/0173729966.html