
Keeping carpets clean?

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My husband and I just rented an apartment in the basement of our landlady's home. It is newly remodeled and has never been used. For some reason she decided to put white carpet in the kitchen. Yikes! I make a lot of tomato-based sauces and tend to be a messy cook. We are thinking about getting a dark area rug and putting it in the kitchen. Any other ideas about how we can protect that carpet (and get our damage deposit back when we move out)?




  1. You could apply some type of stain guard product.

    Or, if you spill something use Resolve to remove the stain as soon as possible.  The product works great.  After you clean the area with Resolve make sure it is completely dry before you walk over that spot again.  The dampness will attract the "regular" dirt.

    This works at my house.

  2. Oh boy!  Why would she put carpet in the kitchen!  That is so 1970s!!

    Get the plastic mats you put under desks (picture at the bottom) and put them in the kitchen.  You can cut the piece that sticks out off.  You can then put some throw rugs down (carpet tape on the back so you don't slip), so it is a bit nicer.  Plus, you have some extra protection in case something gets on the carpet.

  3. I can only imagine ! I wonder what was she thinking of when she made this choice.

    Are the stove ,sink and fridge all on the same wall? if yes you can buy a long runner to put on top of it and try to be very careful when you are cooking , a messy cook can be fixed easily, just turn the burners down when you are cooking to control the splatters , and wipe the stove often. make a habit of removing your shoes and get a pair of sleepers or shoes that you only wear inside the house, if you speak to the lady about being worried about the carpet she will probably admit that she made a mistake choosing white carpet for the kitchen and when you move out she might be more lenient on your damage deposit , after all it was her mistake to choose carpet for the kitchen instead of tiles. And also if you tell her she might realize the mistake and replace the carpet with tiles or flooring, whatever you do try to keep it clean because you will be the one looking at it .

  4. carpets shouldn't even be in kitchens (dumasses!)

    this is how it should be: tiles, hardwood floors, or the cheap tiles (that arent really tiles)
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