
Keeping chickens for eggs and pets?

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can you keep a single chicken or a pair of hens? i am an animal lover but my mom refuses to spend extra money on free-run eggs. if we had 1 or 2 chickens that would solve the problem. we have a 2 lot yard with asn unused shed in the back that could serve as a chicken house at night. how much does it cost to feed them per month? are they easy to keep? how messy are they? do they alwasy p**p in the same spot?




  1. well you can feed your chickens almost anything like grass cracked corn or whole corn if you want to have chicks then you would want a rooster you might want one anyways thaey aren't so messy all you need is a house for them to sleep in a cage so they can walk around

  2. I have like 19 chickens (I started with five, and hatched the eggs to get the rest) only the five lay eggs now, and they are just enough to keep the egg carton full.

    We feed them whole corn, sometimes cracked, and then the scraps from dinner, like broccoli stalks and potato skins. They like it. a bag of corn is like 20$ I think, and we have to get a new bag every few weeks. If you let your chickens run around your yard they will eat grass, and you won't have to feed them as much. The only problem with that is you won't be able to collect their eggs because they will hide them.

    They aren't too messy, you just have to clean the coop out a few times a year, and they keep themselves clean. They can't control when they p**p though, so when they got to go its right where they are standing.

    I think you also have to have a rooster, I'm not positive, but if you let your chickens run around with out feeding them hormones I think you will need a rooster. If you do get a rooster, make SURE you collect the eggs, wash them, and put them is the fridge daily. If you don't you will have a half developed chicken flop out in your frying pan.

  3. I would atleast get two,one is a lonely number.With just a couple of hens their should be very little mess at all.You dont have to have a rooster to get eggs.Hes only good for baby making and if you are eating the eggs you dont want babies.Dont wash the eggs before putting them in the fridge,this allows bacteria to enter the egg.If the egg is dirty then you can gently clean it with a fine sandpaper then put it in the fridge.

    If your letting them free range during the day the feed bill should be very inexpensive.I get a 50lb bag of laying mash for $12 here in S.C. and it lasts me for 2 weeks.But I have 12 eating out of it and mine are all in pens.They also get other treats like bread,crackers,leftover vegies,and whatever else I have I think they might like.

    No they dont p**p in the same spot,they just GO when they need to.Put a perch in the shed for them to sleep on ,they like to sleep off the ground.Give them nest boxes to lay their eggs in and collect them daily.Give them clean water daily.And be sure to keep their house clean and rodent/predator proof..

    They are pretty easy to keep and I think they are a real joy to watch,each has their own personality.Good Luck to you!

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