
Keeping chickens with cats?

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I have 6 chickens 4 of them are bantums, I also have 3 cats. We have tried to let the chickens out of the run but 1 of my cats chases the bantums and trys to catch them and we are worried that he is going to hurt them as they are only the size of pidgeons. What is the best way of introducing them to eachother, they are used to each other with the chickens in the run but as soon as we let them out he pounces!! We would love the chickens to be able to rome the garden without the fear of him creaping up on them!




  1. you cant break the cat of what nature made  

  2.   Not likely to happen.

      Cats have a natural instinct for hunting and though they might get along sometimes or even occasionally,you will never be able to ever leave them completely alone.

      Bantams wouldn't be able to defend themselves as they are too little compared to the normal size chicken which MIGHT stand a better chance though not likely.  I've lost more chickens to stray cats that get into my pens.

  3. Usually Chickens, including bantams, can defend themselves against cats. If a chicken feels it is being threatened then it will usually just give it a peck on the nose and that usually does it!

  4. You cannot stop a cat from hunting.  Its instinct is predatory.  And some have a stronger drive to hunt than others.  

    Best thing would be to build a large enclosed area for the bantams to have freedom in, or an outdoor cat run.  Our neighbour has pedigree Russian blue cats.  She has a covered run built onto the side of her house, and a cat flap in her kitchen window so the cats can get in and out into their run..

  5. I have cats and they dont bother my chickens..

    try spraying the cats with water when ever they show interest in the birds.. or buy a rooster - he will teach the cats NOT to mess with the hens.

  6. I have a simaese who jumps into my chick pens to drink their water, but she doesn't bother them - but she's the only one of my cats who doesn't have an interest in eating them.  Same thing with the dogs - I've got two who would just love a chance to catch a chicken or duck, and one who lays there and lets chickens drink from his water bowl when he's on his run.


    You can't "train" your cat to accept something it sees as prey.  Your best option is to put the cat inside - unless you have a barn cat, your pet should be kept indoors anyway.  Put him inside and you don't have to worry about him trying to eat your bantams (or the myriad of baby rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, songbirds and such that outdoor cats routinely kill).  

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