
Keeping children in nappies past age 5......what do you think?

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It seems to be getting more common that parents are keeping their children in nappies past the age of 5. I've even heard of a boy of 16 still not potty trained!

What do you think?




  1. Just the parents being lazy wouldn't mind but it must cost them a bomb in nappies i've got 6 lads all bin potty train before they were 2 apart from baby Zack but he's only 4 1/2 months old .How horrible it must be for that child to go school in a nappy.

  2. I think that its disgusting, unless the child has some sort of problem where its necessary. Children should be potty trained by the age of three when they start nursery.

  3. Unacceptable. Period. UNLESS there's a legitimate reason, medically or psychologically.

  4. I just think it is laziness on the parents part. Unless the child has some kind of disability i see no reason why they cannot be potty trained at a normal age. My daughter was potty trained through day and night by about 2 and a half, and it was very hard work, but you have to persevere with it.  

  5. crazy!

    lazy parenting i guess!!

  6. thats pathetic. the first guy is totally right, its just bad, lazy parenting. no excuse for that.

  7. its disgusting, ive heard alot of ppl doing this for over night just to save themselves a bit of bother. its rediculous. and is letting the child down in a huge way, its basically neglect, unless tht child has a real problem. i also hate it when you see children with dummies at 4 or 5...its lazy, and bad for there development.

  8. I have worked in child care for 22 years, in all that time I have encountered only a few children still wearing nappies at age four who do not have medical conditions or learning difficulties.  So I don't know where you are getting your information from.  it is obviously not correct.

    Children learn to control their bladder by way of the development of the sphincter muscle which will develop in children at  different ages and the child cannot control this   - you cannot force this to develop because it suits the parent.

    The average time to begin potty training is about 2 and half.  Many children are still using nappies at age three - this is not a bad thing.  

  9. I think that people shouldn't judge because you never know if a disability or special needs are involved.  My son had autism, and didn't train until he was four.  He's also very tall for his age, so he looks like he's 7.  I'm sure people were horrified to see him in a pullup.  Don't judge unless you know all the facts.

  10. That's rediculous! Unless the kid has some type of special need then maybe.

    No more diapers after 2. A parent is just lazy if they keep them on longer than that.

  11. by the age of 2 or at least 3 a child should be potty trained and encouraged to be out of nappies.  its basically laziness on the parents part, and it is unacceptable.

  12. i think it is riddiculas to have a child in nappies at that age they should be toilet trained for godsake

  13. Personally its terrible a child should be toilet trained as soon as they can be for their own benefit and freedom, Thomas my son is ten and is still in nappies (he has severe autism) but i so and try so hard to help him and show him what to do but its still so hard for him and not nice when the weather is hot must be just terrible for him  

  14. LOL,    Not heard of a 16 year old but yes its amazing how adverts on tv specify 5-7 year old night nappies.

    No one will believe me Im sure, but all my kids were clean by 1yr old and clean/dry by 2.yr old.

    I worked at it froma very early age with encouragement and consistency,  not just let them 'get on with it' as some mums seem to today.

    It was better all round they were so proud and felt so grown up.

  15. Sounds abusive.

  16. if this is true i think it is awful. how could anyone consider doing that to a child? the whole purpose of being a parent is to help your child grow into a respectable adult - how can you do that if you wont even teach them the basics in life?

  17. I hope you're joking!   What happens when they go to school?   Are the teachers going to have to change their nappies?   I suspect the 16 year old might be handicapped or something.    

  18. That is completely ridiculous.  

  19. You are joking of course.

    Please tell me you are. x*x

  20. I would presume these children have a medical problem.

  21. no way .that is seriously encouraging lazziness two and half to three is time enough

  22. A boy of 16?? I reckon he is handicapped.

    As for 5 yr olds that sick lazy parenting,children should be well out of nappies by 2 - 2 1/2!

    My first son was trained by 1.5 and my other by 2, no excuse for being a crappy parent!!

  23. i think it is laziness in the parents.

    parents are getting more and more lazy... they place their children in front of tv's for entertainment, they feeds them meals that you just pop the plastic off the top and whollaa  you have a meal,  snacks are no longer cutting up an apple but fruit gummy snacks, dinner time is running throuhg the mac donals drive throuhg instead of a family dinner together, homework is now done on the internet even on YA!   where have family values gone?  

    parents just do not want to be consistant anymore..


  24. Kids should be out of nappies by the time they are 3 !

  25. its just laziness on the parents half as far as I'm concerned what child wants to be going to school and still be in nappies,and as for a 16yr old come on your having a laugh

  26. that's down right lazy!!! not to mention bad parenting... Also to get all eco on you just think what he/she is doing for the land fills!!!  I work with a woman who has a nine year old who still wears nappies in bed.. It's ridiculous my son was dry by 2 1/2.. if there is nothing medically wrong with them. They should be publicly humiliated..  

  27. I think there gonna get bullied

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