
Keeping moluccan cockatoo with amazon parrot?

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ok i know its obious that keeping a moluccan cockatoo with an amazon is risky and the cockatoo could kill the amazonwith one bite...the thing is my 2 year old too has lived with the amazon in the same cage their whole lives and they are very close my cockatoo has never bitten anyone or anything and they spend hours preening eachothers feathers when i do seperate them they scream constantly till i put them back together and they seem to love eachother, my amazon loves to climb on my toos back and hang off his feet and sometimes it hurts my too but even when he is annoyed he never bit my amazon.I know he is reaching maturity and i am worried that he might snap one day and hurt my amazon.Tonight they were playing in my spare room jumping on the beds and all of a sudden my cockatoo started chasing my amazon and started to bite him and pinned him down he didnt bite hard but my amazon was so scared my too proceeded to chase him with all his feathers raised and bit him but not hard




  1. You should be worried.  Cockatoos are notorious for killing other birds especially their mates.  I speak from experience.  I had a pair of breeders that produced and raised babies for  10 years.  One day I heard a noise and when I got into the birdroom i found my female torn apart by the male.  Other breeders  and pet owners have had similar incidents.  Get another cage.

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