
Keeping my room clean and convincing my parents that im responcible?

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well I used to have a ferret but she died and my parents think it was my fault....and its not I SWEAR.

but I need to keep my room clean for 1 month striaght and IDK why itz so hard but it is. how do I keep my room cleaner? I wanna prove to my parents that im responcable enough for a new ferret.And I am I just forget to clean cause im busy doing my school work in the morning and taking the dog on a walk I also wanna be able to use my computer,NDS,and the wii but..I CAN'T REMEMBER!

PLZ HELP!!!???




  1. A good start to keeping your room clean is to put things away as you are done using them.  When you change your clothes, throw the dirty ones in the hamper right away, not on the floor.  When you are done with that CD put it away right away.  As soon as you finish your homework, straighten up the desk.  This way it will leave less work at the end of the day when you should straighten things up.  Develop habits, each night before bed, clean up and organize for ten minutes.  Once you get into the habit it will stick with you!!

  2. I think if you are like most kids, you have too much stuff in your room, and it's impossible to keep it clean because not everything has a home. Plus I bet you're getting overwhelmed with everything. I saw this first hand with my stepdaughter. Her room was always a disaster. She would spend hours cleaning it, and the next day you couldn't tell. Try our method.

    Ask your parents to get you a few small plastic tubs with lids that you can use for storage. Put things in here that you want to keep but you don't need to use on a regular basis. Souvenirs, mementos, pictures, etc... You'll be amazed at how much you can get out of your room this way.

    Now get a trash bag and go through your room. Go through all your papers and throw out as many old school papers as you can. Do you really need an old math test? Throw out things that are broken or have parts missing too. Challenge yourself. It's hard at first, but it gets easier and more fun the more you do it.

    Make sure that you have enough space for all your clothes. Maybe you need to get rid of some clothes too. Are you wearing everything, or are there old things you won't wear any more hanging around? You do have a laundry hamper for the dirty clothes, right? And make a place to keep all your shoes.

    I promise you, the more stuff you get out of your room, the easier it will be for you to keep clean. Once it's clean, make a list of what you need to do each morning and each night to make sure it stays that way. My stepdaughter spends less than 5 minutes a day cleaning her room now. She says she doesn't miss anything that used to be in there, and she feels much less stressed and overwhelmed. We don't yell at her about her room either. I hope this helps you. Good luck!

  3. Write yourself notes.  Make a to-do list.  Send yourself email reminders.  Put notes on the bathroom or bedroom mirror.

    Write a contract.  

    Writing does help you remember and keep your brain from scattering too much.

    Make a schedule for yourself.  

    It is not easy, but you can do it if you really want too.  And I think you do..

    Good luck.

  4. Write it on a big piece of paper or message board and put it on your door so every time you walk in and out you remember, you could also try setting a specific time every day to clean your room. Or hey even put things away when your done using them so you don't need to spend time cleaning your room!!

  5. When you are done with something put it away where it goes, when you take off your dirty clothes put them in the clothes basket, when you have clean clothes hang them up or put them away, put everything away where it belongs.  When you get up, make your bed first thing.  Doing all of this you will only need to vacuum once a week.  Throw all your trash in the trash can and empty it daily or as needed, put all your dishes in the dishwasher or wash them when you are finished with them.  When you come home from school, put your shoes and coats where they go, put your back back where it goes.  When done with homework, put everything back where it goes.  Do this always, all throughout the house, not just in your bedroom.  Everywhere, everything.  My daughter is 13 and doing this. My son is 9 and we are working with him on it.  When I go upstairs anything that isnt picked up, I take away for good and they know this.  It doesn't matter what it is. If it isn't taken care of, I get it.  As far as pets go, they have to show that they can take care of inanimate objects before taking care of live animals.

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