
Keeping my sanity in my house?

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My 27yr old step daughter just moved back home with us. I love her like my own daughter, trouble is she only has a part-time low paying job and seems to not be making any attempt to find anything better, on her off time she lays around just watching TV, the worse part is she's brought her 2 indoor dogs with her, they make a mess of the house and I've got to ride her butt about cleaning up after the dogs and keeping them clean. She makes no attempt to train the dogs. My question is, how can I keep from going wacko or being an ****** about the dog issues? This is straining my marriage to the point I've considered moving out. I'm either continually pissed off or if I draw the line I'll be an ******.




  1. you and your husband need to lay down some ground rules that you can agree on and then sit her down and explain things to her.  If she isn't motivated to clean up after her dogs or train them properly, they need to go to the nearest pound.  Tell her that you are glad to have her home but she needs to look into a career change or some more schooling because the job has now isn't going to take her anywhere in the future when you or your husband aren't around to support her.

  2. Hubby needs to put a foot down.. spouce before kids. ALWAYS

  3. Simple she looks after the dogs or they go...outside or altogether. State it simply and calmly and stick to your statement.

  4. Maybe the reason your 27 year old daughter is moving back in is that she had it too good at home and has no incentive to live on her own.  First thing, you and your spouse must work together on what is best for your daughter.  Most 27 year olds would want a full time job or part-time job if in school pursuing a degree that leads to a good income.  If your daugther is not motivated to get a full-time job or go back to school, then require monthly payment for room and board.  Also, anytime "her" pets destroy your property, give her the bill with a specific time you expect it to be paid in full.  If that doesn't work, hold back certain priviledges such as, hide the TV or lock it up in your room, etc.  In other words, motivate her to seek her own and respect your space.

    Good luck.

  5. draw the line, set the standard and tell ur stepdaughter the rules for your house. she needs tough love if she wants to go anywhere in life. they will eventually underatand and forgive you. talk to your husband maybe?

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