
Keeping my sons clothes on? and toilet training 10 points for best answer?

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My 2 and a half year old son refuses to keep his clothes on. I put them on and within 2 min there off again also he takes his nappy of then as a result urinates all over the house and about once a week i find a poo usually because he has taken his nappy off and decided to play with it if you know what i mean then comes to me dirty and tells me he wants a shower and i give him one asap because there is no way i could let him stay like that i think the playing with the poo thing is because he wants a shower and knows he will get one if he is dirty.

I have been trying to get him to use the potty for about 7 months and he has only ever used it twice and i think it was by accident like he just happened to be on it and he just went.

He did have Pneumococcal meningitis when he was 19 months old and i think he has been having some behavioural issues because if it but i don't know if this problem is stemming from his illness

Any info on these topics would be great.




  1. One of my friends has trouble getting her son to pee in the toilet.  He would pee outside, just not in the toilet.  One day by accident he dropped a little toy frog in the toilet while she was trying to convince him to pee in the potty.  He decided he wanted to pee on the frog.  That is how she trained him.  She just threw the frog in the toilet and told him to pee on the frog.  Afterward she would fish the frog out, clean it, bleach it, and let him play with it until the next time it was time to pee on the frog.

  2. My two daughters, now adults, were somewhat the same. They liked to run around naked when they were toddlers. But they were pretty easy to potty train. I would set them on the little potty chair & read them a short story. The minute I heard a tinkle I praised them.

    As far as pooping...some kids are afraid to let that go down the toilet.

    I would close the lid on the potty chair & wait quite a long time to flush it. Sometimes they'd want to look at it again to make sure it was still in the potty chair. Sorry to mention this but I even had to show them that I indeed flushed my 'stuff' down the toilet.

    My friends who have little boys would place some sort of a target in the toilet or potty chair ( a sticker or something that would stay in place) so the boy could try to aim the pee at it. They said it worked wonders as far as training went.

  3. Can't help you with the potty training, that ones always awkward, but regarding the rampaging nudist issues you need both positive and negative reinforcement.

    Never, ever, ever give him anything nice/positive attention while he is undressed and for, say about 30 minutes afterward.

    When he stays dressed for longer than usual give him some form of reward. Personal attention or a treat of some kind.

  4. All kids, I think, go though the stage where they don't want any clothes on.  My daughter when through that stage as well and she did have more accidents during that time.  I didn't really make a big deal about it.  I would just go get her some more clothes.  I noticed that she would keep her dress up clothes on longer than her normal clothes so I would usually just ask her if she would rather be a ballerina or princess for the day.  That usually helped.  Maybe you could get him some type of drees up clothes like pirate, doctor, police, bob the builder etc.  

    I never had to deal with the p**p thing.  If it were me I think I would try to give him a bath with all sorts of fun toys early in the morning since you said that is something he enjoys.  Then if he plays in the p**p later in the day I would probably just have him stand in the shower and rinse/wash  him off (not fun).  Then tell him that was his bath for the night and he can't have a fun one with toys now.  I would probably just keep repeating this, fun bath in the morning and if he doesn't play in the poo then a fun bath at night.  Eventually you will probably be able to eliminate the bath in the morning and just have him take one at night.

  5. maybe you should let him get dirty otherways?  could you get him a sandpit?or let him do a bit of digging on  a daily basis,and do you have a bath? my 2 boys were always playing in the bath with plastic cups and things,they loved it.when your out and about start taking him to public toilets,even if he doesnt need to go,it re assures them that there is toilets other than at home , and buy him some underpants with his favourite character on, good luck.

  6. In my experience, most babies go through a phase where they wont keep their clothes on.  That being said, he is old enough to sit in time out until he puts them back on.  If you want him to use the potty sit him on it and run water while you have him read you a book.  Get him to go when you go so he sees how it is done!  Little boys sometimes dont potty train until age 3 and they will show you signs, like hiding when they go becasue they dont want anyone to see them pooping, or sitting on the floor when they mess their diaper.  You could also try getting him pull ups so he feels like a big boy, and then tell him that if he learns to potty train he can have a sleep over.

  7. lol I trained my son in one week by letting him go around the house naked and it worked his only problem now is that he needs help with unbuttoning his shorts or pants. every kid has their own way just gotta always be on him and also train yourself to take him like every ten minutes!!! good luck

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