
Keeping this cute question alive?

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lacy asked what cute nicknames we have for our children and I liked the question so much I thought I would keep it going.

I forgot to add a couple of mine but I have a month old daughter named Rowan. I'm sure I'll be calling her Ro at some point in time lol..right now I call her Messy Milk-Face, Miss Fussypants, Baby Burrito, Wiggles, Squirmy-Worm, My Lil Bobblehead, Booger, Monkey Toes and My Big's gonna be so what do you call your little boogers?




  1. Ha HA I have so many too for my daughter I call her

    Lola, lo. Lol bola that drinks cola from a bola while talking on her Motorola(now she asking for a phone, great), mom, mama, princess, Peggy sue(she hates that one but i told her shed get use to it) taty and my son i call him Toni Bologna, Toni, Bologna, sugar booger, papi chulo, tone, t-bone, pony, tone dawg, sugar bear usually its just what ever comes to mind and they love it. they answer to all their names.

  2. I have a baby brother and we are 10 years apart he's 4 and im 14 and I am his second mom haha. but i call him my little rockstar and my baby bear and my young grasshopper haha

  3. pumpkin head, balddie, gums, whiney butt

  4. LOL I've started calling my daughter "cricket" or "cricket head". Mostly because one night she kept talking, singing, and making noise late at night (like she usually does) and I got so fed up I said "Quiet, you little cricket-head" and she just busted out laughing and still laughs any time I call her that. (she's 17 months old)

  5. First off, his real name is Kaegan Matthias.... we call him

    Little man

    hot rod

    blondie bear (from's what Harmony called Spike)

    matt matt

    matty matt matt matt

    sweet pea

    snoochie boochies (thank you Jason Mewes)

    Kaegan monster

    big boy

    Hmmmmm.....I think that is it, but I could be missing a few

  6. My sons name is Gavin Louis, I call Him Gav, Gavie, G man, little man, GL, gavie lou, Fuzz head ( when he gets the hair growing out over his ears)

    I am prego with my second son we call him mommy little tape worm.

  7. My daughter Kaileen





    My daughter Emily


    -Ms. Tude.


    -Rosey lips


    -Butter butt

    My son Austin


    -Mister magoo

    -Little man


    This question is awesome! Such a great question and I enjoyed it very much. Thanks!

  8. My older brother couldn't say Lori when I was born ( he was 18 months) and I've been "Wa-Wa"...ever since. And I love it.  My nephew is a repeat namer and we just call him "the boy" which sounds horrible...but it's our thing now and I hope it doesn't mess him up.

  9. I have 2 boys and their nicknames have been:

    booger bunny, booger, nawny, s****.-caba-peedo ( don't ask me where I got that name from cuz i don't even know :0)) josh-a-wee, bug, nato-potato, nathan-wathan, joshy-washy, chubby wubby, stinky winky,  i know theres more i just can't think of them.  Thanks for asking that was fun!

  10. My son's name is Declan, we call him Dex, Decky, The Deck-man, also Chubby Bunny, Cutie-pants McGee, Fussybritches, Gasia Mikaelian (looong story...), Milk Breath, Bit-Bit, Smiley-puss, Stinky britches. We also have called him Squirmy Worm, just like you've done with Rowan! I wonder if there's lots of parents who use the same names? Our "fussybritches" is also very similar to your "fussypants."

  11. My oldest son is little man (although he ain't so little anymore lol) but I call him CDOG (his intials).  My younger son is Baby Boo, not sure how that exactly got started but that has been his nickname since he was about 6 months old.  The baby i am expecting will be called Coop or baby boy Coop unless we think of another nickname after he is born.

  12. I don't like nicknames - I know I am a party pooper. I call my boys by their names, however our extended family have the WEIRDEST names for them. They are going to hate their nicknames when they get older!!

    Dominik - Nicky Moo Poo

    William - Willy Wonka

    Tobias  - Tonky Toot Toot

    Ryan - Ryder Miner

    Cody - Jungle Screamer

    Yeah, my poor kids.

  13. 1my first child we nick named pod ...


    3, burty basset,

    4 sophie doffy now call her sofa

    5 chubby




    9 poo

  14. Lol, my husband calls our 9 month old daughter 'doodle-bug.' Apparently it means mop head and he thought it was appropriate seeings she was born with a head full of hair! I tend to call her 'pumpkin' and 'girly-bottom' a lot.

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