
Kelly Tighman?

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I just read on the internet that she has been suspended for 2 weeks for her comment about Tiger Woods. Do you think this is the right punishment, or do you think she should not be punished at all. My opinion is she she should not be suspended AT ALL!!!. Tiger's agent said that her remarks is a "non issue" and that Tiger and Kelly are good friends.




  1. Tiger Woods didn't care about the remark because he doesn't see himself as a black man....

    but it was offensive to others and if you let one thing like that be said other remarks will follow....

  2. It was an obvious misstep but an unintentional one. It wouldn't even be an issue if the media didn't need another "feel bad" story. It's almost like the media needs there to be racial tension even if the world is moving on...

  3. Pure and simple, TGC caved massively to outside pressures.  What Kelly said can offend only those who are looking for reasons to be difficult and uncompromising.

    Intent is the key issue here, and Kelly most definitely did not have malicious intent.  She used a term which is actually quite inter-changeable.  I, myself, have used the term "lynch" in ribbing white people.

    We, as a society, will never get over Racism so long as people are looking for reasons to be offended.

  4. "How" Kelly Tighman meant the "lynch" comment is immaterial in this generation... welcome to the world of political correctness (for Caucasians only). The word "lynch" has a negative connotation to blacks in America (aka: African-Americans); cattle rustlers and horse thieves from the old west probably don't care for it either... white, black, or Mexican. Fortunately for Tiger Woods, he's NOT black. If you check Wikipedia, Tiger is 1/2 Asian (1/4 Chinese and 1/4 Thai), 1/4 African-American, 1/8 American Indian, and 1/8 Dutch. Since Asia is a continent just like Africa is, Tiger is mostly an Asian-American. But due to his success in the golf world, blacks have made him their own, ignoring the facts of his heritage. Hence, black America will call for Kelly Tighman's head on a platter, just as they've done to other white Americans who've said something they don't like. Kelly should NOT be suspended. Al Sharpton should shut his pie hole.

  5. I feel that it was an accidental, "blonde moment" and that she did not mean it to be anything other than a poor use of a phrase.  She caught it as soon as she said it and probably feels bad about it.  the two weeks is perfect.  She did not lose her job and she shouldn't have either.  What she did was NOTHING compared to Fuzzy's VERY INTENTIONAL comments at the Masters - by the way, what happened to Fuzzy?  Oh yeah! Nothing!

    P.S. I am a blonde, so the blonde moment comment is ok for me to say!

  6. Offensive but unintentional you have to pay the penalty. As a broadcaster on a nationally televised program should have been more discerning in her choice of comparisons.

  7. People are way too thin skinned and this practice of "political correctness" has got to stop. It has gone way too far.

  8. Sportscasters are to be held to a high standard. The Golf Channel is only doing what should be done in today's climate of sensitivity. Remember that the GC has sponsors, clients, etc. and to do nothing would be detrimental to its business. Kelly Tighlman does a fine job. My guess is she will come back strong and put this behind her. We all make mistakes and there are consequences. Everyone deserves a second chance. GC did not fire her so this may be seen as a case of progressive discipline. Remember too, that the GC was co-founded by Arnold Palmer, one of Golf's most celebrated personalities who is held in high esteem not only for his accomplishments and records in golf but his integrity. GC is doing the right thing in today's age, in my opinion.

  9. Everyone knows what Kelly Tighman was trying to say.  That Tiger just can't be beat.  It is a pretty sad day in this country where an innocent remark causes a two week suspension.  Shame on you golf channel for suspending this woman.

  10. I read earlier today the golf channel was not going to do anything to her since she had said she was sorry and had made a mistake. Now I see Al Sharpton's name and she is suspended. Go figure.

  11. When Kelly Tighman made the lynching comment she invited the country to chime in with their feelings. Let's remember the term "lynching" is particularly sensitive to black people because of the brutal way they have been treated in this country. One could have expected that Tiger Woods would shrug off the comment because that is his nature. Tiger always takes the high ground. But given this countries history and people like Al Sharpton who are just waiting for these moments to thrust themselves into the middle of it all? You can't make thoughtless comments without expecting some bad publicity. Kelly acted very stupidly when she made that comment. The United States is becoming a very politically correct nation and comments that can be construed as racially hurtful can destroy a career. Have we forgotten Imus?
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