
Kelly Tilghman comments towards Tiger Woods?

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Whats yah thoughts on the comments that KIm from the ESPN Golf coverage analyst said about Tiger Woods?

this be a racist issue b/c it really is and in my point of view whether it was towards anyone her comments should not be call upon for being able to have the opportunity to even work for ESPN and I would love to have her job and it will be easy to not say racist comments on TV if I was getting her salary which is probably good so I just feel this is bad for sports and people who say comments like this shouldn?t have the opportunity to work for them anymore but to give to someone else who respect the game of golf and don't bring up bad words like this on the ESPN network which is always been my favorite and this is the reasons these race issues come about b/c someone thinks its funny and then think I'm sorry is going to cut it but like I said before working for ESPN will be awesome for anyone that is a sports fan of all races and love to have her job and I'm sure plenty of people li




  1. Buy some periods.

  2. 1. Tiger is more Asian than Black.

    2. Lynching does NOT exclusively refer to blacks

    3. Nobody even thought about it until Sharpton said anything

    4. There is no proof that ANYTHING she said was racist

    5. Tiger said it's a non-issue

    Sad to see that some people will think everything is racist.  My tires are black...oh, you're a racist.  My Jacket is black....oh, you're a racist.  That car across the street is black...oh, you're a racist.

    The race card is getting very old. I can list quite a few people who have overused the race card.  The Duke rape case was one of many.  It's getting getting old and people aren't buying it.

  3. Had there not been so much about that word in the news prior to her making that comment, no one would have thought a thing about it. It's over, it's done, she served her punishment, let's move on.

  4. So which words can't we say? is using the word cracker under any circumstances OK. How about beans, or watermelon. And what happens to a person of any color,  when they say something that could be misconstrued as derogatory to white people? Nothing that's what happens. Look back at Kellen Winslow, and Kellen Winslow Jr. Nothing, that's what happens.You  really need to get a life. I think it was no big deal because Tiger thought it was no big deal. Now I know you know him better than he does, but I'm going out on a limb, and agree with Tiger, about Tiger! You could do her job because nobody would say anything when you broke one of these unbelievable rules of conduct. You couldn't do her job because you can't spell and your grammar is horrible!

  5. Nick b:   I hope you've learned something from all the intelligent responses posted to your inane supposition.  I believe as most, if not all, of the people responding, that it's mostly the media's fault and of course Mr. Sharpton, for making this a "racist" issue.  Remember, our country's 1st Amendment to the Constitution guarantees our freedom of expression.  Your opinion is a sad comment on the USA today!

  6. Geez... come up for air with your run-on sentence already, will ya? Regardless of what Rev. Al and Jim Brown have said, it is NOT a "race" issue,  as the other Answerer's have also pointed out. This is Al and Jim's way of keeping their ugly old mugs in front of a TV camera. After the Duke rape (?) case and the Maurice Clarrett debacle, Americans across the country, of all skin tones, should tell Al and Jim to shut the frig up!

  7. Let it die. It wasn't the smartest thing in the world to say, but I don't believe it was racist in any way, shape or form. All she was saying is golfers don't have a chance to beat Tiger on the course, and she is right.

  8. I agree with previous poster who said not everything is racist and "lynching" does not refer exclusively to blacks.  Remember all those old cowboy movies where horse thiefs got "lynched"?

    I think the media is totally pathetic for blowing minor things like this out of proportion.

  9. I'm going to ignore the stuff about how you want her job.  I undertand the point Kelly was trying to make:  Woods is so good that the only hope anyone has to beat him is to kill him.  She chose a very unfortunate word with horribly racist overtones.  Tiger Woods himself said it wasn't a big deal, and I'm sure she didn't mean it--BUT, the fact that this particular word happened to come out of her mouth is troubling.  Even without thinking, it's not something I would ever say, and that's what troubles me about this whole thing:  why would that word be the one she used, even unintentionally?

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