
Kenmore Elite Oasis Error Code "oL"?

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We just hooked up our 2 year old washer at our new house - husband has ran a few loads of laundry and it is coming out soaking wet - getting error code "oL" at end of cycle - washer is completing the entire cycle, but does not appear to be spinning - not getting the typical whirring noise that I'm used to hearing when we run the washer.

I've seen two meanings for "oL" online so far (just moved, so don't know where manual is) - so, either it's Open Lid, or Over Load - not sure which -

The lid closes and locks, and it is definitely not overloaded - so can't figure out why the heck we are getting this error code -

So sick of having a washer that thinks - if anyone has had a similar problem, or knows what's going on - I'd appreciate the help.


Model # 110.27072600




  1.  OL error is out of level or overloaded or just means you need to open the lid, redistribute the clothes inside and start it again where it left off.  It usually happen when you have a few bulky towels in there that throws the tub out of balance.

  2. It is possible that the oL means the machine hardware property rights have expired [out of licence], or the item is not permitted to be used in the jurisdiction where you have moved to, that you can wash but not use spin in that jurisdiction law [need a separate dryer], or there is overload with the washing and all the water and the motor cannot reach the spin speed.

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