
Kennsington Palace?

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Is where Diana lived. Who lives there now?




  1. I'm not sure who lives there now, but yeah, Princess Diana lived there after her divorce to Prince Charles. I have no idea when Charles first moved into Clarence House, but I was thinking Princess Anne lived at Kennsington Palace now. And plus most of the current royal residences are so close together I'm not sure if it would matter, lol.

  2. Prince Charles, the Duke of Cornwall, and his wife, Duchess Camilla.

  3. I have to correct you - Diana etc lived in Kensington Palace, London. Kennsington Palace is a former music hall located in Winkleton-under-Fludge. Since the demise of music halls, the Palace has suffered a number of conversions (cinema, bowling alley, recruiting office and a knocking shop) and is currently being completely revamped as a residence for Tony Bliar, former Prime Minister of Great Britain.

  4. I stupid no thing about king king !

  5. All of  the   dukes  and  duchesses   mentioned  live  in  Kensington Palace.  Diana  and  Charles  lived  there during  their  marriage,  Diana  continued  her  residence until  her passing.  Charles  after  he  and  Diana  separated,  established  his  primary  residence  at St.  James's  Palace  where  he and  Camilla  current  reside,  They  use  Clarence   house  as  a  secondary  residence, because  it is  less  formal  then  St.  James'.  Clarence House was  inherited  by  Charles  after  his  grandmother,  the Queen  Mum  passed  in '02. Diana  stayed  at  CH  before  the wedding.  Queen  Victoria  was  born  at  Kensington  Palace,  her   father {The  Duke  of  Kent}  was  George  IV's  brother  and  since the king  was  childless,  when  he  died  the   throne  passed  to  Victoria.

  6. the homeless sleep around the corner in the street

  7. It is the official residence of The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester; the Duke and Duchess of Kent; and Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. Charles and Diana lived there after their marriage in 1981. The last monarch to live there was George II.
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