Kenny Williams admits White Sox will be limited in off-season acquisitions – MLB News
The Chicago White Sox general manager Kenny Williams has admitted in the media and said boldly as their top management will not be spending much on new players and will remain limited in their off-season acquisitions.
Williams, who at the end of the season looked pretty determined, when he said that he and the White Sox entire management know the additional need of some good and experienced players at the end of the year as the free agency market will allow them to shop
well for the next Major League Baseball season.
It looked clear as Williams was furious over the Chicago White Sox performance in 2011 season where they could not play up-to the desired level and lost many games down the stretch in the regular season while that was the main reason why they could not qualify
for the post-season.
Williams’ first statement after losing a chance to play in the next round of 2011 competition suggested as he will push their top management hard to sign many new players but late in the year he convinced himself not to bring as many players that will eventually
hurt the franchise’s financial position.
His recent remarks have also tried to convey the meaning in detail,
“Do I have an idea where we are? Yes, and it’s a little bit less than what we had last year. You know by now I’m generally ready, I’m not ready right now. There’s some fact-finding that has to go on and this is going to take a while. We have some players
that have garnered some interest from a number of clubs.”
Though the White Sox have signed three new players including Donnie Veal, Jose Quintana and Dallas McPherson but it is still not enough to rebuild their current young roster for the next year. They will be looking for some more quality and experienced players
to do well in the upcoming season. However, with this latest development, it will be difficult for the White Sox to find high quality players at lower prices as the League is filled with rich teams willing to pay top dollar for some of the best players.