
Kentucky Derby, how do I find general admission tickets before the race?

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We are going to the Kentucky Derby in hopes the general admission office is selling tickets that morning. I have looked on line and belong to the twin spires club, but really, over a thousand bucks. We just want to go and enjoy ourselves. My husband is retired from the Army, we are also going to visit Ft. Knox where he completed his basic training about 30 yrs. ago.






  1. EBAY!!! its a wonderful thing

  2. They sell general admission tickets all day on Derby day.  They're $40.  You don't get a seat, but you're there.  People line up outside Churchill waiting for it to open on Saturday morning in hopes of finding a good place to stand.  Churchill will not "sell out" of general admission tickets, but if you get there later in the day it will be rough finding a place to stand

  3. unless you know somebody your chances are slim...sorry

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