
Kentucky Derby reruns?

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I did not miss the kentucky derby but i record it every year and this year it did not record correctly and i was wondering if it is going to re run on tv not the computer because i cannot record off the computer.




  1. No it's once a year - but there are probably videos up on still

  2. You can definately watch it on youtube.  However, if you want it on video tape or something like that, you won't be able to use the youtube videos.  I would think that you'll see a replay of the Derby before the Preakness, but I can't tell you exactly what time.  It will probably be on ESPN on saturday early afternoon.  I'm sure that it will be replayed on TVG at some point this week, but again, I can't say when.  There's no set time that the Derby will be replayed.  In all likelihood, at least parts of it will be replayed throughout the year all the way until the Breeders cup which is the race in October.  The best advice I can give you is to keep watching racing throughout the year and stay on your toes.  You're bound to see the Derby replay at some point.
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