
Kentucky Derby tragedy Eight Belles?

by Guest57463  |  earlier

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I have read some articles but, I dont know how Eight Belles was euthanised? Can someone answer that? I'm thinking it was a gun or something else.




  1. She was given a dose or two of euthanasia solution, which all equine vets carry on their trucks for this purpose. This solution is a combination of 2 drugs- a barbituate or tranquilizer to put the horse to sleep, and a paralytic anesthetic to stop the heart and breathing and paralyze all the muscles. We use a slightly altered version of euthanasia solution to execute people by lethal injection, and the method is more or less the same.

    It's exceedingly RARE that a gun is ever used at any track these days for the purpose of euthanizing a horse. That was something which went out of fashion decades ago, because it's considered both cruel to the horse, and dangerous to everyone around the animal. A struggling horse which is in agony from an injury is not going to hold still and let someone shoot it- and shock, stress, and the emotions of a situation like the one at the Derby on Saturday will ruin the aim of almost everyone who might try such a thing, unless that person has nerves of steel. Suppose for a moment that someone HAD tried to shoot the filly with a gun, and MISSED on the first attempt- or missed their original target, and left her grieviously wounded ( such as with a gunshot wound to her face, for example) then what do you suppose would have happened? Do you think that person would have been able to get another shot, and finish the job, with all the emotions and chaos which was going on around there at that time? Or suppose the bullet had ricocheted off of something, like the track rail or a nearby vehicle (don't forget, they did bring out the horse ambulance) and struck some innocent person- or another horse, like say one of the horses belonging to an outrider? Are you starting to see why guns are never used at the racetrack any more? It's just not safe, and it's not worth the risk to other people and animals, not when there are better methods available for destroying horses which are injured and beyond all help. So it's not likely that a gun was used.

  2. now days they use lethal injection.  they used to shoot them.

  3. Lethal injection.

  4. An overdose of anesthetic, so she just went to sleep and didn't wake up.

  5. I'm relatively sure they dropped an anvil on her head from 45 feet off the ground

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