
Kentucky derby theme party help?

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i'm having a Kentucky Derby theme party? any sugestions? my guest can dress up, or decors, or anything like that and i'm gonna have 1st 2nd n 3rd place but it will be triple crown, win, place n show




  1. Well since will be the last race

    have a great party

    have every one dress up like the old timers as they did in the old days of racing Men wear derby hats and woman wear the fanciest hat they can make ??

    sounds like fun

    have fun

  2. wHOO THAT first person was not very nice to you

    Just get all dressed up like if you were at the real races suites and dress and of course HATS

    MAKE SURE every girl wears the best  home made hat

    I think that would be fun

  3. Get real! It's a bit late for that theme. Wait until Derby weekend next year. And above all, wait until you are old enough to host the party in the lavish Kentucky Derby genteel tradition of serving Mint Julep made with Kentucky bourbon. Kool Aid sweetened with mint syrup and garnished with a mint sprig is no substitute.

  4. have every one dress up as in if you where in the 1920's how fun

  5. go back to the dress when it all started. the women should have outlandish hats

    have plenty of mint julips

    and have a piano where everyone can sing my old kentucky home

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