
Kevin Mitchell’s title dreams in shatters

by Gareth's sporting insight  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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It looked like the stars had aligned for Kevin Mitchell on Saturday. Fighting at his beloved West Ham United’s Boleyn Ground, “The Dagenham Destroyer” was backed by an army of fans. All that stood in the way of him and the WBO lightweight interim belt was Michael Katsidis.

However, like a ball of clichéd wool, Mitchell’s dreams unravelled before him. He looked overawed by the occasion and at times appeared out of his depth while his opponent Katsidis was like a rabid rottweiler.

On paper this looked like it was going to be a good old fashioned tear up. Both fighters love taking it to the inside and slugging it out, Mitchell built his reputation on his love of going toe-to-toe, where Katsidis relishes a slug so much his only form of defence is more attack.

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