
Kevin Nash speaks about his comeback failure in WWE last year – WWE News

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Kevin Nash speaks about his comeback failure in WWE last year – WWE News
Former WWE and WCW performer Kevin Nash, who showed up last year at SummerSlam, spoke about what went wrong with his comeback plan. According to Nash, the plan was for him to pull on until WrestleMania 28 but he could not due to his health issues.
In his recent media interaction, Nash spoke about the plan. He said, “I'm on Plavix and Plavix is a blood platelet agulator; they call it a blood thinner. It's not, it stops your platelets from sticking together so you don't get cardiovascular disease and
blockages in your arteries and have a heart attack. it's also for stroke. It's very common to take with a statin drug if you have anybody in your heredity who died before 50 let alone having a father who died of a massive coronary at age 36.”
Kevin showed up last time and powerbombed CM Punk, an incident that caused a rivalry between Punk and Nash stirred up. Even Triple H was dragged into the scene and eventually Triple H beat Nash to end the rivalry. However, according to Nash, that was not
the plan and he had to stay longer than that.
Nash revealed that he had to undergo the same physical examination every wrestler goes through. He added that when the doctors got to know he is on Plavix they said he can’t wrestle anymore. According to Nash, he was supposed to face Punk but since he could
not, Triple H had to come in. He said that WWE had to make sure that this scenario was not revealed to the audience to keep the class of the show. Moreover, he also said that he was all set to wrestle Punk but then the doctors did not clear him so it became
a mess.
Nash sounded pretty disappointed with the whole scenario. He has never been on the top spot, even when he was at his best taking on Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. However, for some reason he always found himself being ‘number 2’. This was probably Nash’s
last chance to make it big but once again his luck went against him.  



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