
Kevin rudd...were we fooled?

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ok...i think 7-8 months into his term he has had a chance to prove himself....

here are a few things he promised pre-election:

- reduce interest rates

- do something about climate change

- do something about ir laws

- help working families

i argue that he has done none of these (at least to a recognizable extent)

1. interest rates - have increased

2. climate change - carbon trading and climate change both arent working. constant resistance to nuclear power

3. ir laws - still nothing done

4. help working families - grocery and petrol prices are at an all-time high; housing crisis also prominent; interest rates high (mentioned above)

it seems to me that the only reason rudd is in is because he is an alternative to howard, whom people had grown to majorly dislike. there is now a recent distaste against the ALP (big swing in gippsland) and talk that rudd may lose the next election in 2010

please be kind, as i am fairly ignorant on this subject and these are just my humble observations




  1. I'm ignorant on the whole thing, but I have noticed the whole pension thing n all that. But wouldn't the petrol have gone up regardless of who was prime minister?

    I seriously have no idea about any of it xP

    But I am agreeing with you in the way that nothing majorly great has happened since he came on.

    I think your right about the disliking Johnny, that would be the main reason he got booted i think xD

  2. If you expected Rudd to hold down globally rising oil and food prices while fixing global climate change,  and  reducing interest rates in a worldwide economic slowdown and all in eight months, you must have had a fairly high opinion of the man

  3. To me, I think that everyone has different opinions on different policies and issues, and no one is ever going to be the "perfect" politician. I think Rudd has done a great job so far, but he still has plenty of work to do. If Liberal was voted in we would be criticizing them too. I'm only a teenager, but from what I can see, he has done an adequate job since the election, and some of the issues you have listed are out of his control.

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