
Key components for the Original IDEA of 1975 are....?

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a) a free, appropriate public education;

b) an individualized education plan;

c) special education services;

d) related services;

e) due process procedures;

f) the least restrictive environment in which to learn.

Can someone briefly explain each one...All i can find is the components but nothing else...please.




  1. When you go back to what the law was and what the law is now, there are some big changes but we are far from being where we need to be in special education. When the orginal law Public Law 94-142 (S. 6); Nov. 29, 1975 was put into act, this is where you see a seperation of education. You have regular education teachers and now special education teachers.

    In 1975 a Free Appropriate education meant that all individuals that were identified as having a handicapped were entitled to have an education at public expense, under supervision and direction of the States educational agency. This included that preschool through high school. The free appropriate education had to have conformity with the individualized education program required under section. Conformity meant that the students IEP had to be addressed in the educational setting.

    An IEP describes the educational program that has been designed to meet that child's unique needs.  Each child who receives special education and related services must have an IEP. However, there are students that do not qualify for special education and are under a 504 plan which was released in 1973.  Each IEP must be designed for one student and must be a truly individualized document.  The IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel, and students (when age appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability.

    Special education services: Are the supports needed to give the student a free appropriate education in the least restrictive placement. In 1975, this typically meant evaluation, classification and placed in a private school for children with similar disabilities. In 1975, services were very minimal.

    The basic related special education services in 1975 would speech, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. This again was very minimal.

    Due process procedures is when a complaint is filed against the district by the parents or guardian you are given an opportunity for an impartial hearing which is conducted by the State educational agency or the local educational agency as determined by state law. In 1975, there was no mediation prior to going to court over a violation of the law.

    The least restrictive environment in which to learn in 1975 was not an inclusion model. Most children were sent out of district to private placements to receive their education. The term least restrictive in 1975 meant that a student would receive an education at their level, with like peers and addressing their IEP.

  2. a) Free, appropriate public education: no one can force a person out of the public schools due to any diagnosis or special need

    b) an IEP:  Every student who is placed in any kind of special education program is given an IEP.  This IEP is put together by a team of teachers, counselor, principal, parents, etc.  The IEP maps out a 'plan of action'.  What kind of services the student will receive, how much time will be spent in what environement, any moderations to be made in the classroom.

    c)Special Education Services:  Inclusive environment, Special Education classroom, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling, etc.

    d)Related Services:  Any additional people/services that will be involved in the students' education

    e)Due Process Procedures:  This means that before placing any student in a special education enviroment, the correct procedures were taken.  All the paperwork was filled out.  The conferences were held.  Parents were notified.  The appropriate testing was done.  And IEP was written, etc.

    f)LRE:  The student will be given the LEAST amount of help that is required to help them succeed.  Ex: If they can succeed in an inclusive classroom with pull-out resources classes instead of being placed in a special education classroom all day.

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