
Kiba vs. Neji? Who would win?

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who do you think would win this battle and why?

(im a huge fan of neji)




  1. Nenji would win

    Neji is more intelligent and his stradegy skills rivals shimario. If nenji could learn to controll his anger he could be as good as shikamario when it comes to stradegy. Kibas strongest attack is fang over fang all neji has to do is use rotation and it reflect all the damage back to kiba and he can block of his chakra points  

  2. Neji.He pretty much owns the close combat/taijutsu alongside Rock Lee.Kiba would have to get in pretty close to do any kind of major damage to Neji

  3. it could go both ways

    well i undersatnd why neji is the easy choice he is much more intelligent and at the begining of the series had mush more advanced jutsu but near the ending of the series kiba learns Man Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf and that along with the fact kiba is much faster then neji kiba could avoid neji's attack and overwhelm his rotation with his double wolf fang. but thats if the fight got to the point where they were willing to die. any other sparring neji would be the easy winner.

  4. Ooh, toughie.  I have to stop myself from just saying Kiba because I adore him.  It's actually quite hard to say.  Kiba has extensive knowledge of the juuken technique due to his close relationship with Hinata, he and Akamaru are one wicked combo, and we haven't even seen all of what Kiba's learned since Part I.  Neji is quite the smarty-pants, and has nigh on full mastery of the Byakugan.  Nowever, while Kiba can go well in close-, mid-, and far-range combat, Neji only strays from close-range.  Hmmm... Neji has the advantage, but Kiba probably could turn the tables... That would be a cool fight, though! :3

  5. Byakugan!

  6. Neji's Byakugon dominates Kiba,but Kiba sorta has a chance if he wouldnt get so pumped up and too mad then he can think clearly and better and might beat Neji

  7. I would think it's gonna be neji..he's super cool..

    he's byakugan will definitely win over kiba's nose..

    i'm a neji fan too

  8. NEJI! he'd take down kiba in 2minutes or less!!! he'd cut of kibas chakra with his 32 points attack thing so he cant move and tare him apart. kiba doesn't have any thing on him, the only thing he has are those stupid food pills and a lame a#s dog! neji should be jounin no one can touch him cause he has that ability to move so fast that every thing else seems to be going in slow motion

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