
Kick counts? whats normal?

by  |  earlier

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How do you do you this? count the kicks?

Should I ask my doctor or can someone explain it to me please

im 29 weeks today and my baby is really really active lol




  1. My baby is very active too!

  2. I think they say to check once in the morning and once at night.  If you do not feel 10 kicks within two hours, you should consider calling your doctor.

  3. All the information I've been given suggests that if you don't feel bub move 10 times in any 12 hour period then you should let your care provider know. However you get to know your own bub pretty well and I definately would recommend you check this with your dr they may vary a bit this is the info I've been given. At around 29-30 weeks I felt like a constantly had a volcano erupting in my tummy, had me in constant fits of laughter. Enjoy it while it lasts as they quieten down a bit over the next few weeks as it gets tight in there, the movements I'm feeling now at 34 weeks are nowhere near as fun.  

  4. I was told by my dr and got a little pamphlet that says to count up to 10 kicks in an hour.  If you don't get 10 in the first hour, eat something, drink something cold, or just sit down and rest for a little bit if you've been active and try to get 10 kicks again.  Oh, also, they said hiccups don't count (if you feel those). :)  Good luck!

  5. I was told to sit down and relax for 2 hours and see if i could count 10 movements. (not just kicks)

    The thing i don't get is what if he is a sleep. I really just feel for movement all day and count to 10 when i start to feel them.

    I know thats probably not the way to do it but i only really sit down and think about if if i haven't felt him in a few hours.

  6. You should feel atleast 5 kicks in one hour and you should sit down and count the kicks at least twice a day.  

  7. I was told that bewtween 5-10 kicks an hour was normal.

  8. Usually around 10 an hour!

  9. everytime you feel the baby move you count it.

    if you feel your baby move more then 5 times in one hour or

    10 times in two hours then your all good

    the more moving the better

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