
Kick in the balls?

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I'm taking a beginners karate class this summer which incorporates self-defense moves. Right now, including me, there's only 7 students in the class.

I'm just wondering what the chances are of one of the girls kicking me in the balls - accident or intentionally? If the class is all/mostly girls - except me - will the instructor teach groin kicks? Will a knee to the balls - with contact or not - be used in sparring?

Do college aged girls still think it's funny to kick a guy in the balls?




  1. in self -defense the chances are nil , most instructors don't allow contact and moves are practiced slowly.  but in sparing you will get hit there accidentally if your defenses are weak and not just by girls; guys too will hit that target .  Anyway wear  a cup if you feel uneasy.

  2. Most contact sparring schools will required you to wear a cup.  Intentional groin kicks while sparring or training are generally not allowed, but accidents do happen, so wear a cup.

  3. wear a cup

    it happens even when you don't expect it

    someone in my dojo didn't bring theres one day they just forgot it

    and during a take down my knee hit his balls with enough force he actually passed out

    it was just a single leg assist

    wasn't aiming there, but you get hit by accident all the time

    i've taken a solid groin kick because i turned my body to do a round house as this kid did a straight foot jab, towards my thigh, he ended up kicking me right in the nuts

    nothing intentional

    also as to if he teaches it, he might mention it but not really go practice it

    something along the lines of ok in this situation drive your knee into his balls

    here go work it on that dummy, not each other

    or were not gunna train this because i don't feel like explaining to my wife my im pissing blood

  4. I seriously doubt that the instructor will use you are part of that lesson.

    I'm 25 and I don't think it's funny to kick a guy's area. But I would definitely use it as a defense if I had to!

  5. hahahahahahahahahah i doubt it

    but good luck

  6. Yes it will happen.  Probably on accident, but you can plan on it happening.   If you really fear that it will happen, then invest in a cup.   Even if you do get kicked or kneed there, you will recover.  It will hurt, you may cry, but you will probably be OK.

    I do teach it to beginners for self defense, but I always protect myself.  

    If it does happen intentionally and you do not deserve it, then you should bring it to your instructors attention and allow him to take care of it.

  7. When sparring with beginners, a lot of them accidentally kick to the groin. Many are attempting to kick to the stomach or chest but don't have accurate target control and end up hitting down low.

    Just wear a cup when sparring.

  8. Just buy yourself a cup, and expect it to happen ( most likely by accident ) at least once.

  9. This is just my experience training with women:

    Yes, you get kicked in the crotch. Yes it hurts. It'll happen as an accident, it'll happen on purpose. Most of the time, it's just on accident. Teaching groin kicks is smart, and should be taught.

    In my training group, we do controlled contact -- hard enough to make it hurt, not hard enough to permanently injure. Half of the guys wear cups, half don't. It's a personal choice. For me, I don't like training with one because if I'm going to get hit there in a fight, I'm not going to be wearing one anyway. Like getting hit in the face, it's something you'll get used to and be able to work past (Thank god for Amatsu techniques early on). Added benefit is the realization of the way the testicles will retract up against the body to protect themselves.

    If you're cool with the girls, they won't want to kick you in the balls. Generally, with the crotch, they won't train hard. In other portions of training, I find that they fight harder than most guys because they think they can't hurt you (it's good to let them know they can when they really do. helps them advance well also).

    Suck it up or wear a cup. Either way, keep going.

  10. Just tell them that if they kick you there, they are going to have to kiss it and make it better.  LOL

    Actually, that may get you kicked....oh well...

  11. We have a rule in our school. A athletic cup is required in every class. Years ago we used to go around with a bo staff and do cup checks. I think it is a good idea for students to wear protection. That way you don't have to worry so much when practicing certain moves if you miss or even unintentionally hit someone in a sensitive area.

    I have been intentionally hit and at least one time I thought I was being "tested"by a  student. I saw it coming and blocked most of the force and the cup helped. Beginner students lack the ability to control techniques and the chance of getting a good hit in the groin is always there even when certain self defense moves are not in the curriculum.

    Most Girls are a little easy on the guys in my experience. I have trouble getting them to use full contact when we have full gear on.It is the guys that like to hammer each other.

  12. you should be wearing a cup.

    if you aren't reccomended to then your shcool is a "no contact" school and i suggest you look elsewhere for other more practical reasons (ie: they are not training with any contact and are not training realistically).

    i'm not saying you should have to bring a cup every lesson, but a striking school that says you DON'T need one is a school I would seriously question.

  13. i doubt it and its really not funny
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