
Kickboxing Q?

by  |  earlier

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What are the actual differences between semi and light contact kickboxing?

Also what equipment do you need to wear?




  1. Semi Contact implements limited contact when striking the opponent.  Power is reduced from a range of 50-70% (Pending on the sport and what club you are kickboxing at). This is to prevent injury and thereby wean a kick boxer into full contact sparring.  It is also important to be aware that knocking out an opponent is strictly forbidden.  

    In Semi Contact Kicking boxing, the gear is used extensively.  You’ll need boxing gloves, shorts, head gear , shin guards, a mouth guard, and some type of wrap to shield the hands from breaking and is mostly done so in a western wrap within kickboxing; however pending if you are sparring without gloves or wraps, known as bare knuckle fighting, wraps or gloves will not be needed. As for your gear some kickboxing studios require that you wear a specific brand for all the gear listed above.  

    Semi Contact (Along with any type of sparring), tends to lead into hand injury, so make sure you condition those hands and know how throw a proper punch!  If you don’t know how to make a fist or proper body alignment, you may wine up breaking your hand, wrist, or other bone. This could happen with both bare knuckle kickboxing or with gloves.  Ask your instructor how to properly throw a punch or kick.  Not only will you be safe from causing self injury, but your punches and kicks will be stronger.

    Light contact; however is a type of sparring is similar to fencing; or as other words touching the opponent.  Light contact harnesses roughly around 10-40% power.   Knocking out your opponent to like semi contact sparring is forbidden and thus I would advise straining away from doing so in this type of sparring if you often go for KOS.  Same with Semi Contact Sparring  Remember you’re touching your opponent with light “taps” rather then a full blown strike with the shin or instep (top of the foot near the toes).  If you do so points are deducted or results in disqualification.  With Light contact rules, you don’t have to wear that much gear other then the gloves and the wraps as well as shorts (Don’t want to go running around in boxers do we?  Ok I know that was corny but anywho…).

    As compared to full contact rules, pending upon your studio or the area of which you will be competing, KO’s are legal and contact remains at a 100% force.  Often the only gear you will be using are shorts, some gloves, wraps, a mouth guard, and shorts (Sometimes a sshin guard.)  

    Hope that helped.  Have a nice day, rock on, take no prisoners, and bring on the rain of blood.  Go kick some tail!  Happy sparring!

  2. The guy above is talking dung!!

    Semi contact is when u spar in a match and u score points for eg a 10 point system... first one to 10 wins, after each point is scored the match is stopped and you both go back to the on guard ready position... and go again, this goes on till ten points is reached or the time is up.

    For semi contact you will need shin and instep protectors and either boxing gloves or semi contact tag gloves and a gum shield, and of course a groin protector.

    Light contact or light continuous as its known is similar only the match does not stop unless the fighters get tangled up or one or the others goes out of bounds.

    Again the equipment is similar except you will need at least 10oz boxing gloves.

    As for actual contact when you are fighting, the youngsters tend to use the nearly rule but the more advanced fighters do get hit.... general rule of thumb adopted by referees is if you draw blood your out!!

    Good luck
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