
Kickboxing (girl) ?

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I'm going to a kid's core training class 9+ on Wednesday at a tiger schulmann's. I just randomly show up and take the class and then they evaluate me and see if I should be in kids kick boxing or adult's. Do you know what they depend this on? Also, what should I wear? (lol) And I'm usually very shy so how do I introduce myself to all these people? Thank you for all your help!




  1. I guess if you are very fragile and brittle they will put you in kids.

    Just wear something athletic. Some gym shorts and a grey tanktop or something like that. Anything that you won't mind getting all sweaty and something that you can move in.

  2. What the h**l are they thinking of getting kids into kickboxing?

    Sheesh some people will do anything for money !

  3. Well first of all, kickboxing is a great thing to get into. It is amazing for fitness, will boost your confidence and is loads of fun.

    They will really be looking to see if you are more comfortable training with adults or kids. Don't see this as a test or anything, it's for your own benefit so you can get the most out of your training. Basically if they think that you are not being challenged enough physically then they may put you in the adults class. If you are put in the kids class, then you will be with people of a similar skill level and you will progress quickly. If you are not so confident with your skill, then it would be unfair to drop you in at the deep end. Just relax, do your best and enjoy yourself- let the instructors do the rest.

    Just wear a loose t-shirt and shorts or jog bottoms- whatever you feel comfortable in. Don't worry about being shy- I'm the same, but you'll find that if you click with the instructors and they are friendly you will have no problems. They are used to welcoming new people and if it is a good school they will make you feel at ease.

    Good luck, and I really hope you enjoy it!
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