
Kicker CVR 12 HELP!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I need help i have 2 Kicker CVR 12's with a kicker zx 750.1 amp

im gunna try and build my own ported box... can anybody tell me exactly how to do it. Like the port size what the interior should look like ( im pretty sure its much more complicated then a sealed box) and the dimensions i got of kicker but any advice would help.... basically im a hands on person that doesnt feel like spending 150 dollars a new box when he can pay 20 and build it himself...

BTW i have a 2007 Altima,




  1. this link will tell you everything that you need to know

    here are the subs' boxes requirements

    Sealed Box Volume (cubic feet) 1 - 4.6

    Ported Box Volume (cubic feet) 1.75 - 2.25

    Top Mount Depth (inches) 6 1/4

    Cutout Diameter or Length (inches) 11 1/16

    Vas (liters) 95.37

    (Equivalent air compliance.  The volume of air that has the same compliance ("springiness") as the driver's suspension. Because less air is more "springy" than more air, a large Vas represents a "loose" suspension)

    Fs (Hz) 26.1

    ( resonance frequency of the driver. In free-air, the driver's impedance will peak at this frequency.)

    Qts 0.527

    (Total Q of the driver at Fs.  Qts is a measure of the driver's tendency to resonate at Fs, based on its overall characteristics. )

    Xmax (millimeters) 12.64

    (Linear (one-way) travel of the cone.  Xmax is used to determine the maximum linear SPL capability of the driver)

  2. its actually not that much harder than making a selaed enclosure the only difference is the port but just go to the kicker website and it will tell you exactly how to build your enclosure (size,port size etc.)

    Good Luck

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