
Kicker Solo X not as loud as it should be.... Advise????

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I have a 10" kicker solo X . a 4000 watt amp(power acoustik and its in a 1.2 cu. ft. box. i have 1/0 gauge wiring.





  1. Ive been workin with car audio since i was a little kid, and am a proud owner of 2 solox 12s 10cf box tuned to 45hz, 4 kicker sx1250.1s strapped to push around 6000 to the subs, hittin high 150's.  Ill give u some advice..

    First, if u want the sub to SLAM, you need a good amp.  Sell wut you have to someone and if u want i good amp for cheap, go with a high end hifonics, its a lot of bang for the buck, but do NOT put less than 2000 watts on it.  If u wanna go big, get a kicker zx2500.1.  remember, the amp is almost more important than the sub, so never go cheap on it!  Most brands rate their amps WAY over what they actually push out, and i hate to tell u the amp u have is really pushin out about 1000w.  Also, if u can get ahold of another battery, itd help a LOT!

    Second, If u want to really slam, go with a ported box around 3-4 cubic feet.  The sub only can perform as well as the box, and when u get one, make sure its STRONG cuz that sub will eat up a weak box.  The more box flex u have, the less youll get out of it.  Double up the MDF to 1 1/2 inches, or go with birch wood.  Remember, dont just cut a hole out and call it ported, that doesnt work.  Go to kickers website and look at the manual for the sub.

    Feel free to contact me if u wanna know more, and good luck!

  2. you box is the problem the smallest box a solo x 10 needs is 1 cubic sealed or 2.25 ported  but if it is in a sealed any way get ported i have had my 12 in a seal and ported it is twice as loud in ported i can hit 126ds with one speaker and 1500watts pushing it so a 10 with 4000 sould be just as loud if not louder and it could be the way you have it wired dual 1 ohm sould be Series Wired and a Dual 2 ohm sould be Parallel Wired if you amp is stable at 1 ohm

  3. you should probably get a new amp

  4. alright first of all your subwoofer box is way too small, i build custom subwoofer boxes and if you need some help in that department i can help you out for a small price.

    Then your amp is a Power Acoustik 4000 watt amp, i am guessing its the Gothic Seies and really huge but thats about it.  It probably is only pushin about 1500 maybe 2000 watts at the most.  So your woofer is most likely being underpowered because of your small box stifled.

    The 1/0 Gauge wiring is good unless its the XAK OR x*x brand from ebay because then its probably only 4 gauge wiring with alot of shielding.

    Well thats my 2 cents hope it helps.

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