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ok ive already asked this question before but nothing seems to be helping me... they always say flick the top concave(corner) or the board and jump as high as you can... well ya i can get the board flipping... but i have a series of problems... sometimes i jump back when i try to kickflip... sometimes the board goes a little ways in front of me.... but my main problem is that i cant get above the board... when kickflip(well try to atleast) my feet usually hit the ground while the board is still in the air.. i do have a really good ollie nice and high... but the kickflip is messing me up... without being able to do it my skateboarding days are over... 3 months and no progress... please help??????:(




  1. Hey, don't get discouraged, I've been skating 3 months too and took me about 2 months and about 2 weeks to land a decent kickflip.

    How I learned it was (I'm goofy footed btw) :

    1) Practice your ollies alot, don't have to be high, but I would recommend that you can ollie over a whole brick.

    2) Don't get frustrated, don't give up. Keep practicing, keep trying, this trick is HARD, and it sure won't come overnight.

    2a) This trick has almost the same foot position as an ollie, except your front foot goes about 1 inch below the bolts, at about  a 45 degree angle. It also helps to have your heel hanging off a little.

    3) Pop on your back foot as you would an ollie, lean over your shoulder a little.

    4) As the board starts to come up,JUMP HIGH! and get your back foot out of the way as fast as you can.

    5) Slide your front foot diagonally towards the "curvature" of the nose, where the concave ends and where the nose starts (Above the little bulge).

    6) Flick UP and OUT with your front foot, and keep your body squared (Don't Move IT!!)

    7) Wait for the board to flip, as it is flipping, start to bring your front foot back in.

    7a) You have to commit to landing the board at this point, FORCE your front foot back, I mean, you will try to be afraid of it, but you HAVE to FORCE the foot back.

    8) Catch the board in the air with both feet on.

    9) Be happy, celebrate your first kickflip, and roll away SMILING!! :)

    10) After mastering this trick, do it moving as fast as possible, while doing it moving, flick out faster than usual and lean over your shoulder more than you would stationary.

    I hope this helps you, remeber don't quit, you can do it, I thought I couldn't do it too, but one unexpected day I just tried it and landed it after about 3 tries.

    Good luck!! And keep skating!

  2. Hey man, I used to have this same problem. Here is what to do, its real easy. You need to position your body straight parallel with the board (dont leave yourself at an angle when you do it). Make sure your back foot is perfectly straight and not at an angle when you pop your board. This will help you stay over the board. Remeber that its all about your posture. Try leaning over the board slightly too. Make sure you are being smooth with your motions and you should have no problems!

  3. OMG i have the same fricekn problem,,,perfect ollies,,but kickflips are my worse,,and i skate goofy. i can help you on the part where u jump backk,,,just try leaning foward when u pop to keep u from jumping back.

  4. I had the same problem. You need to lean forward slightly and risse your feet up sothat they are close to your body. Try watching videos on Youtube for extra help.

  5. check it, place your back foot on the tip of the tail and your front foot diagonal to the bottom left bolt near the nose, pop your ollie and the kick out and up, wait till it comes around then land.

    it helps to hold something like a gate while first learning them.

    also its a mind then your brain is telling you not to land it. dont be scared and go for it.

    NOTE: EVERY KICK FLIP IS DIFFERENT an pros dont land theres every time.

    Good Luck

  6. I know a few guys who can do a lot of other tricks, they ollie high enough, and they still can't get the hang of a kickflip. Some of them can do tricks that I always thought were harder, actually, but the kickflip is just sucky I guess. Keep practicing, I guess!

  7. it cause your simply scared to land it........dont be a wimp......try learning ollies higher.........skate because you love it not because you wanna show your friends you can do a kickflip...i can do em switch nollie fakie and regular and it sounds like your scared.......just take a deep breathe and say im just going to do it no matter what happens...its just a flatground it

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