
Kickflips, skateboarding?

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ok i can flip the board great and it always lands perfectly . i learned 2 do this because i done it ALOT but all the times i fliped it i NEVER landed it . really im like scared i flip it then scoot back abit and i just watch it flip im 2 scared 2 land on it for some reason

can some1 tell me how 2 get over the fear or somthing cuz i want2 do this trick completly SO bad




  1. try to do it without looking down at the board, it actually helps for some reason

  2. it sounds like you got the flip down, now its mind over matter.  Try practice on a freshly cut lawn so there is noway that the board can slip out from under you.  Get a fell where the board is gonna land and jump to that spot.  Skating takes balls, and you need to commit to a trick when your attempting it.

  3. if you practice on carpet then just picture in your head that your landing the trick and commit to landing it and you just cant be scared(if you watch any mike v instructional cideos he'll tell you the same thing).

  4. Find a soft place you can land if you fall. Just keep trying and don't be afraid of the pain.

  5. carpet wont give you enough pop. put it half way in the grass and halfway on your driveway, that way the board wont shoot out when it lands. dont be a *****.

  6. practice on the carpet. everyone has the same exact problem when learning to kickflip

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