
Kicking a field goal?

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which is easier to kick a football off of: a kicking block, a kicking tee, or just the ground on a football field?




  1. Off of a 3 inch tee. Thats why they are ilegal to use in college and pro. That is the tallest so it is easier to get under the ball. R U a toe basher or soccer style?

  2. i been kicking for about 3 years. when i 1st started i could barely make it from the 20 yd line. thts a 37 yarder if you count the endzone and the 7 yards behind the line of scrimmage where the holder is. i practiced by running and strecthing a whole lot. I'm 16 now and i can hit 46 yarders consistently. i play soccer so i find it easiest to just kick from the ground. but take into consideration tht it takes lots of practice to improve. and be sure you know how to stretch properly before you start kicking. i have pulled my quad so many times its ridiculous.  

  3. Since you asked about a field goal, it would be during a game, so that rules out a kicking tee. Those are only allowed on kickoffs, and would be unsuitable anyway with a holder.

    Kicking off the ground allows minimal elevation - so not wise. Drop-kicking the ball is a legitimate method that Jim Thorpe and others in his era were expert at.  With the more streamlined football, and high speed rushers coming in from the corners, it is not only impractical, but a legitimate threat for a defensive scoring opportunity.  

    This leaves kicking off a block, which is not only preferable to the ground (more elevation, more speed of execution - and provides a target for the holder to position around/focus on), it also allows for a "hands" (skilled) player to fake, run, pass, or recover from a bad snap / broken play when the ball is not kicked.  This provides the most effective method for the kicker and the maximal productive alternatives for the team as needed.
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