
Kicking a football, toe vs. soccer style?

by  |  earlier

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i have a massive problem here. i am kicker for a fresh grade level at high school, so i'm some what young. but i want to learn how to kick correctly before i get screwed my senior year. i kick with my toe and honestly i do pretty good, but the thing is i try soccer style because i read a lot about kicking and i noticed that it is way more consistent, and i never seem to get the right power or fluency vs. toe. and also i dont know where to place my foot against the ball when i kick it. ASLO i would like to presue kicking all the way into college, so i would also like to know any excersises and streches that will help you get more power and stuff haha. so thank you very much and please leave helpfull info.. THANKS anthony.




  1. for power kick with your laces, lean over and hit it as hard... for bend/accuracy kick it with your instep.

  2. play soccer and kick that ball right....

    in other words practice kicking with your laces on a soccer ball

    trust me, im a soccer captian for my D1 varcity sko0l and i kick for the footbal team thanks to the new law

  3. Kicking witht the toe is called toe-poking and is very common among younger players, trouble is when you start getting older better players will be kicking the ball properly.

    Trouble with toe-poking is accuracy the ball can go any where at any time..

    To Bend the ball inward use the instep of your foot

    To bend it outwards use the outside of your foot

    And for outright power use the laces and unleash the

    Practise makes perfect hit 50 of each every day and ul see the results after 2 weeks..

    Always place your non-kicking foot near the ball where its comfortable and bend the knee slightly with an arm out for balance. Follow every kick through

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