My mother lives with me and the house is in my name. The problem is my sister is 29 years old and lives in the house, she has lived there all her life. She has not worked since July 2007.She has never paid rent.She pays for nothing. Her unemployment money is spent on drugs.She has never done yard work,house work, laundry. She does nothing but lays on the sofa and watches t.v. and eats all night long. My mother has bought her 3 cars and she ruins them all. She let her boyfriend ruin one of them. Some drug dealer destroyed one. She smokes pot constantly. She leaves sometimes and smokes meth. She won't shower, or brush her teeth.She has very bad habits,she is crude.Why should I have to support her? I have worked all my life. She has had about 30 jobs in 10 years. She is always late for her jobs.Can I kick her to the curb? How do I get rid of her? I am having a nervous breakdown, I have to take Prozac because of her. Help.