
Kid's Party Ideas?

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I'm holding a party for my little girl who turns four at the end of May. I have arranged entertainment (Magician, balloon making, music and games) but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for gift bags, invitations, decorations and food etc?

Any help or experiences shared would be appreciated.





  1. Food:

    sausages on sticks



    biscuits - savoury and sweet


    ice cream

    Birthday Cake

    Coka cola


    Gift bags:

    Slice of birthday cake


    small bag of sweets or chocolate like chocolate buttons, milk stars, jelly tots

    Crayons and a small colouring book



    Does she have a favourite cartoon character/film. See if you can get/make some invites with that character on it.

    You just need to write Dear so and so You are invited to so and so's party on the date at time followed by the place

    Have a return slip at the bottom.

    Decorations: Balloons. Maybe have one helium balloon with her age on it or something.

  2. here are a bunch of ideas

  3. Gift bags i would include a small selection of soft lollies. A chocolate. A little book or toy( usually purchased in bulk) A balloon. Girls a little ring and boys a little car.

    If she is into something in particular you could try purchasing bags and toys that are all in a theme. For example Dora the Explorer.

    Finger foods, pies, sausage rolls, fairy bread, baby quiche


    I hope it is a great day!~

  4. Find out what her fav cartoon or tv show charachter is and  could always plan the party around that. Most party supply stores have what you would be looking for. Or you could make your own.

    For 4 yr olds menu keep it simple but also make something for the adults to enjoy. And keep it fun.

    Pigs in a blanket

    pizzas- any pizzaria

    mini burgers :

    or mini pizza bites Great for kids to help with too:

    pizzas they can make themselves and you can cook on the grill  use any fav toppings

    Kids Party Punch :

    Keep it fun, keep it easy and Have a blast.

  5. i would target what ever your 4yo is into, little princess stuff ? and having the magician perform some tricks producing gift items for that party theme, invitations and gift bags,etc should be same theme, making sure your daughter gets best gifts naturaly but letting all kids have some kind of gift is good

  6. Pinjata-definatly... put a load of sweeties in the party bags with a small toy or peice of cheap makeup and the girls shoud be happy. Sausage rolls and pizza always go down well!! and mini carrots and cherry tomatoes!!

    good luck

  7. Definitely have a "cupcake cake" made, which is cupcakes pushed together and frosted as one cake on top.  It's so much easier to serve, and easier for the kids to eat.  Kroger's bakery makes them, in whatever theme you want.   At that age, she's probably into Disney Princesses or Dora...  so go to the $1 store (Dollar Tree is good) and see what you can find there:)  For goody bags, try hair scrunchies, ponytail holders & barrettes;  nail decals;  super balls;  bubbles;  play necklaces & bracelets, in pink bags......   My daughter usually just has pizza at my grandkids' parties (they're 4 & 2), and that's what's generally served at all the parties they go to.  It's easy to order plain cheese for the kids, and a few with other toppings for the adults then.  And a veggie tray with dip; maybe a fruit tray too...     If you don't like the Princess/Dora theme, then just decorate in a Balloon theme!  ... and a pinata is always a time-filler:)

  8. Kwl. Have like balloons everywhere so many you cant see the floor. have banners everywhere and give the girls  princess hats. and boys crowns. Have like a ball at the end.

    have a magician making animals and stuff. and games like hide and seek. and kareokke. for decorations set a magical theme and have a clown cake and stuff.

    I dont want to annoy you but i had this when i was 4/5 and it was absoloute c**p. it was so boring and the clown was so annoying. Make sure you av a gd clown and plan every minute of the party. Oooohh have a treasure hunt... its dead kwl. and av party bags with note pads, pens, pencils, braclets, etc..


  10. party pieces is a brill website to buy all your accessories needed.

    With my four yr old, i went to macdonalds and asked if i could have some boxes for a small donation and filled the box at home with a sandwich, cheese stick, jelly pot, bag of crisps and a packet of sweets. On the middle of the table i put some biscuits and cakes on big plates and cup drinks. The children loved this plus tidying up was very easy.
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