
Kid's party?

by Guest45345  |  earlier

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does anyone have good kids games for a 3 year old birthday party, my family usually play musical chair,pin the donkey,bingo,the egg race,but i want some new games, any ideas? thank you





    Add one or two these games to any summer event; barbeque, birthday

    party or family reunion. Kids and adults will join in on the fun!

    Water Relay

    Continues to be the favorite at all of our picnics and parties!

    You'll need:

    Buckets of water 1 per team

    Large sponges 1per team

    Empty 1 gallon plastic milk jug 1 per team

    Split players into two or more teams.

    Set the buckets of water on one side of the race course with the sponges in the bucket. Place the milk jug at the opposite end of the race course. The object of the game is to be the first team to fill the milk jug with water. The first player of each team soaks the sponge with water runs to the milk jug and squeezes the water into it. Then runs back to pass the sponge to the next player.

    This continues until the first jug is full.

    To provide more of a challenge, try using turkey baster syringe's instead

    of sponges; you have to aim while you are also trying to win!

    TIP: A little food coloring in the jug will help the racers

    see the water line.

    Obstacle Course

    A terrific form of exercise and play!

    Super for summer parties and barbeques.

    These obstacles are sure to delight you kids.

    -Walking or hopping along a winding a garden hose.

    -Crawling under lawn chairs.

    -Balancing along a string.

    -Walking with a ball between your knees.

    -Add an oscillating sprinkler to any of the above!

    Obstacle builders could be lawn furniture, a hose, string or rope,

    sprinkler, balls, water balloons, jump rope

    Add movements like jumping, rolling etc. What fun!

    Beach Relay

    Gathering at the beach? There is more to do than swim and get

    a sunburn...get your camera and gear up for fun!

    Divide the group into two teams

    Equipment: Two flippers, 2 snorkel masks, 2 pairs of large swim trunks,

    2 pairs of sunglasses and two beach balls and two beach bags.

    Racers form two rows. with the beach bag of items at the end of the running line and the beach ball with the first runner. The first runner on each team has to keep the beach ball between their knees while running

    to the beach bag of items. They then have to dress in the beach items, then take them off again and return the beach ball to the next player. The next runner continues the series, until every runner on both teams has taken their turn.

    Adaptations: This race is easily adapted to different beach items

    having the players to a crab walk etc.



    Sidewalk Chalk

    Kids will be entertained for quite awhile with a bucket of sidewalk chalk

    and a driveway to decorate!

    Hula Hoops

    Have a contest or provide enough hula hoops for everyone to give it try.


    Kids of all ages love to blow bubbles.

    Water Balloons

    Everyone loves a good water balloon battle or tossing contest --

    who will keep it from popping?

  2. blocks (foam) not wooden.


    swimming pool...make sure u get floatees

    chalk...get the crayola (the pack where ur child can get a chalk holder in it.
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