
Kid autism?

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a kid i known is rather odd. He speaks with his teeth closed...he is very demanding and gets what he wants. He is not very friendly and has 1 or 2 real friends. He is not affectionate at all and never says please or thank you. he is eight years old are those signs of autism in a kid?




  1. He may have a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome.  People with this have difficulty with social interaction and social cues with peers.   Please be patient with him.

  2. ummm, it sounds more like cebaral possy than autism because kids that are austic don't talk at all

  3. maybe he just has bad manners

  4. Maybe, maybe not.  How are his communication skills? Does he ever repeat odd-sounding noises or phrases out of context for the situation?  Does he ever repeat things he's heard on TV over and over?  Does he respond appropriately to questions or do his answers not make sense?

    Does he ever engage in repetitive behaviors?  Does he insist on routines, to the extent that he will have a tantrum if the routine is disrupted? Does he have a favorite toy or item that he must have with him at all times, and he will experience extreme anxiety if he cannot have his preferred item?  

    Socially, does he not have many friends because he doesn't want to have friends or because he doesn't know how to make friends (there is a difference!)? Do the other kids think he's odd?  DOes he have interests that are very different from other 8-year-old kids? Does he avoid making or sustaining eye contact when speaking with someone?

    These questions are a good place to start.  If the answer to most of these questions is "yes" you may want to ask the parents to speak to his pediatrician about these issues, or have them request an evaluation from his school.

  5. It takes a lot to diagnose anyone with a disability especially autism, the psychologist should also point this out. There are so many disorders, do not label this child from a internet service. And do not judge a book by its cover. Imagine if this was you and your body did one thing you could not control and your mind was the opposite. How frustrating for this person.

  6. He may have some problems if you think he has autsim you need to tell the people who care for him to get him tested.

    The first site has information on the signs of autsim and aspergers - 8 years old is p*****n

    the second site is a test for autism although as explained it is not meant to actually diagnose just assist with an assessment on whether it should be discussed with a doctor or health professional.

  7. It could be. Autism effects people differently. Ask his mom if he is autistic or has ASD. Is he in special education?

    I go to a school that specializes in autism and some of us don't like to talk but can. Some can't but do fine with Alphasmarts or lightwriters. Some sign. Some talk in monotones. Some scream and some whisper.

    Some are really affectionate and some aren't. I am not really at all.

    It is hard to have autism because its hard to fight an enemy that has outposts in your head. I want my body to do something sometimes but my brain won't let it. Its frustrating.

    He also might just be rude and spoiled but his mom could probably tell you if you ask nicely and want to help him.

  8. no, autistic kids do talk.... my cousin who is autistic is 15 and he started talking when he was 5..... he DEFINETLY talks lol.... he never shuts up jkjk :)

  9. There's not enough information to even make an educated guess.  The only way to find out is to go for testing.  Like others have posted it could be anything from an ASD to a kid with bad manners.  Having a kid with Asperger's the first symptoms I noticed was social ineptness around his peers followed by intense obsessions in science & reading on his own before age 3 the symptoms are far & inbetween.

    BTW I've seen my child interact with other nuerotypical 8 year olds in his class that exhibited the behaviors that you've listed that suffer from nothing more than being difficult.
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