
Kid hates the doctor

by  |  earlier

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My 6 year old has to go to the hospital for surgery tomorrow and he has to get a blood test, iv (while awake), then surgery(asleep) He says he doesn't need to go. How can I help him. oh yeah, he has to stay over night for 3 nights and needs 2 shots each day.Help!




  1. well what i did when i was kid was most places have a numbing agent now days (cream, spray) etc. ask if they have that it will help with the blood test and iv and just try to distract him when its time for the shots

  2. Help him to understand why this medical treatment is necessary for his health - not just superficially, but in detail.  It's his body, he should understand how it works, what's wrong with it & how they are going to fix it.  

    Once he understands that this is necessary, help him come up with coping strategies that will work for him.  First talk until you find out what his real worries are, then brainstorm ways to help him deal with them.  

    For the shots & other uncomfortable procedures, help him research meditation & calming breathing techniques.  Download or buy relaxing musical meditations that he can listen to on headphones when the time comes.  These will help him center his attention on a calm, peaceful, relaxing feeling, distracting him from the fear which tenses the muscles, which, actually, causes more pain than is necessary.  

  3. Well i have had surgery myself when I was 8 I LOVED the doctor but told my mom and dad I HATED it! lmao So i was happy. so i cant really help.
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