
Kid pulled a knife on me...what do i do back?

by  |  earlier

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So this kid was flying down my street going like 60 in a 30 so i swerved at him on my motorcycle. he then slams on the breaks and so do i. i get next to him and he slams the door open into me and then i kick the door back at him. he pulls out a knife and waves it around wanting to fight. i then speed off down the street to avoid and bloodshed. keep in mind that i am 17 and this kid is 16....i dont know him but a couple of my friends know who he is. I really wish i could go back and beat the **** out of him like a man regaurdless of the knife but i was a little frightened at the moment see as i was alone with no i know most of you are gonna say i should just drop it but i cant. i wanna get this little b*****d back somehow. i know i could beat the c**p outta him easy with no weapons, but the only problem is he has two crazy older brothers who i know(not friends with) that are drug dealers in my hood and i know could easily find and beat the **** out of me. so do i risk it and beat this kid up, or do i do something different like tear up his car he likes so much? Or something else. Please no bogus answers i dont wanna hurt him too bad or anything, this kid just needs to learn a lesson before someone else not so nice teaches it to him




  1. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun.  

  2. Concidering that 1 he is driving over the limit and 2 he is carring a weapon next time you see him a knife and threaten him with it but don't hurt him and record his number plate and oh boy is he going to be in so much trouble

  3. Honestly I would leave it alone if I was you.Like you said you could easily beat him up but the price to pay might be a bit too high. His brothers will look for you and want payback. Please just leave it alone. Let someone else teach him that lesson. He sounds like a jerk so it won't take long before he gets what he deserves. I know your mad and pumped up but it's better if you cool down and think straight. Don't get yourself in trouble for a punk that isn't worth your time or effort. Don't let a moment of anger be your downfall. A real man knows when to walk away.  

  4. call cops next time get a plate number i don't think its legal to carry concealed weapon whit out the concealed weapon's permit  

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