
Kid shower for Foster parents?

by  |  earlier

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My sister & I are wanting to have a shower for my other sister (I will call her "M") who just aquired a brother & sister as foster kids. They will probably adopt them when the state releases them for adoption, but until then, "M" is in major need of things for these kids who came to them with just a few clothes on their back. The kids are 2 & 3 and my question is, does anyone have any good shower ideas for older, foster/adoptive parties. We are going with a "crayon" theme, but need wording for invitations and other ideas for the party that we will have in a couple of weeks. Thanks for all your help!




  1. Seriously - I'd wait on the 'shower' idea.

    These kids may get to go back to their bio fam.

    Until then - how about you organise with all the family to help out with supplies - but don't make it a big affair until adoption is a sure thing.

    Our neighbours are looking to foster kids - and they have been looking at 2nd hand stores - and asking friends - for all hand-me-down children's goods and equipment.

    Ask for help - and things will come!

    If you really feel the need for a party - just make it for the kids - a 'Welcome' party.

    Remember - these kids have had to lose their first family - to come into your sisters family.

    Perhaps being a little sensitive to that fact would be nice.

    (not being rude - just coming from the adoptee perspective here)

    All the best.

  2. I personally think thats a wonderful idea. I remember when we got our foster kids with only the clothes on their backs and we were not yet prepared. Had to buy cribs, beds, toys, books, clothes. Luckily we had lots of friends and family and within a couple days we had most of what we needed.

  3. They should each get a $300.00 clothing allowance. But your sister needs to request it from the case mananger.

  4. YES do it!!!   I have heard people doing this with older child adoptions and why not????

    It will be a special time where the children can shine and be introduced into the family.

    Since the kiddies are still little make mention the "stork" delivered two kiddos   one 35 lbs. get the idea.

    How about a Cabbage Patch kid Theme?

    And how about presenting each little one with their own cabbage patch kid they can love and adopt.

    My daughter LOVED hers. They hold a special place in our home and never allowed to be tossed in the toy box....because once you's FOREVER.

    Good luck to your Sister and her new forever family!!!!

  5. Um, as a previous foster parent I always say wait until they are actually being adopted.  the state should be providing funds for their necessities.  (clothing, hygiene etc.)

    Having a party to celebrate them as part of the family may at this point make it harder for your sister if the children have to leave and go back home.  When fostering, and until children are officially released for adoption you can never assume you are adopting....just some words of warning, because until they are legally free any extended familyt member can come forward and contest.

    I say wait until they are up for adoption and then have the party.  Until then make sure the state, the legal guardians pay for what they need to.

  6. I think that would be great let's celebrate these children being taken from their parents. Unless these children have been in the system for a while I would let them adjust. There are plenty of places to go for cheap clothes. Just my thoughts

  7. Although it seems we have a thumbs downer in the crowd I think the advice and ideas already given are just lovely. We are all strangers that are trying to help each other out. I think you and your sister are very thoughtful people and so is your other sister who is adopting these little angels. Might I suggest writing something like please help us in welcoming ( and write their names ) to the family. Or welcome to our adoption party. Whatever you write will be gr8 and welcoming. Also ask people who are invited if they have things to donate. I wish you live near me as I have 5 kids and we recently moved and I have heaps of stuff I could give away. God bless you all.  :)

  8. Make it toddler themed; get Dora the Explorer or Backyardigans plates, cups, and napkins, and definitely make sure the guests know that this is a "toddler shower!" At my best friend's shower, they played a word game through the entire party where each guest got a necklace with something baby-related on it and if you said the world "baby" you had to give your necklace to the person who caught you. The person with the most necklaces at the end of the shower gets a small prize. This one's easily adaptable; get cute beads of teddy bears, blocks, etc. (toddler stuff) and choose a word like toddler or new additions to be the no-no word. Here's a sample for invitation wording; adapt it any way you like, if you choose to use it at all.

    To celebrate "kids' names here" coming into M's life, you are invited to a Toddler Shower!

    Date, Time, RSVP info, etc. here.

    If you can, get M to register at a department store for things she definitely needs to take care of the kids, and include the registry information here as well.

    I wish you all the best, and I hope M is a wonderful and loving mommy and her adoptions go through with no hitches!

  9. What a loving gesture! Perhaps saying on the invitation. "Please help us invite ...... and ....... to our family." or "Someone new is brightening our lives come meet..... and ...." Ive seen one say "Not of our flesh, Not of our blood but still our own."

  10. Do a welcome to the family shower.






    Also maybe do a registery list for things they need.

    Also don't rule out the good old McDonalds / Pizza hut type party!

  11. what a lovely thing to do! i don't have any advice or helpful tidbits but just wanted to say that this sounds wonderful! never heard of such a thing but it is totally logical.

    EDIT what's with all the thumbs down? I'm not one of them freaks that cares about points like I'm going die if I don't get more but I came back to check out the ideas people had and me and like 2 other people had 5 or more thumbs down! Is it just cuz we didn't have ideas and were just expressing what a wonderful thing this is? Or one's idea wasn't good enough? s***w all the people that take this point c**p too seriously. That is ridiculous.

  12. What about a "Welcome to our Family" party for the kids.  The kids could receive the gifts - clothing, toys, etc., so that if they aren't adopted, the things are theirs to take along with them.  Sort of like a "birthday" party but not exactly.  

    My parents through me a baby shower for my son when he came home but it wasn't a foster/adopt situation.  They called it a "Welcome Home Party" and my son (6 months at the time) was there.  

    Friends of ours adopted from foster care and did wait until they knew that they would definitely be adopting the child until they had a shower/party, and then they focused it around the child.  

    Good luck to you.

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