
Kiddie trouble!!! help???

by  |  earlier

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My almost 3 year old twins have been giving me BAD night off late ?What to do ?

they ( or 1 of them) wakes up in the middle of the night.. wants to p**p... and then pee . And wait only by the father .

Then they just dont want to go to sleep.

if one gets up the other gets up "automatically" as he screams yells etc.

this morning both were up at 5 and my husband who had not been able to sleep at night had to go to work w/o any rest.

What can i do?

I really need help?




  1. First avoid sweets,chocolates and desserts after 7p.m.1 hr before the bed, make them to drink 1 glass of milk with one string saffron and one pinch nutmeg powder.Compulsory tell them to go to loo before going to bed.This is for their physical body.

    To change them psychologically-Are they missing their dad,due to his work schedule?Tell him to come home soon and let him play with them.Or else tell him to play with them in early morning.Let him do this sacrifice for another 4 yrs.After that if you ask your kids to wake up at 5a.m also they won't wake up.So don't miss their childhood enjoyment.Later on you feel guilty.

    Tell your husband to learn and do kundalini yoga daily which gives him a very good control over sleep and he feel energetic, with even 2 hrs sleep also.

    Happy parenthood!!!

  2. dont put them to sleep during the day...take them to the loo just before going to sleep..get them tired during the day so that they sleep tight at night..take them to the park in the evening make them run around, jump,play outdoor games so that they get exausted n elder one gave a lot of trouble..i tried with no sleep during the day(its difficult though in the starting) n then park routine in the evening it really helped..also when she joined her playschool her rountine became more so set..wud sleep at 8 at night n get up at 7 in the morning...try this it might help u as well...

    3 yr old twins im sure u must be having a tough time..just hang in there im sure once they grow things will get better...

  3. hi i very much understand the patience it takes to handle such a situation.. but then you have to some how manage and find ways to make children sleep..

    try this out... sing a song or tell them some very interesting story out of your own imagination and so that they start believing the narration to be completly true. in that story you can tell about a tiny boy who was in trouble for not having a sound sleep at night... for the age of three kids are very fast in relating things so it should work... do not shout or scold them for being cranky... bear with them and have good patience..

    all the best  

  4. Allow them to play really well in the evening till they sweat and a heavy dinner will drown them into sleep. Turn off all the that they have no other options than to lie down & sleep.

  5. I can help.  I'm a former professional nanny, currently own my own day care, am a Mom and a Step mom.

    What you need to do may sounds harsh to some but I promise you it works wonderfully if you stick to EXACTLY what I say.

    When your child(ren) gets up in the middle of the night, allow them to use the bathroom of course.  Then, have them go back to bed.  Explain that it's nighttime and they need to sleep.  Tuck them in and go back to bed yourself.  They will probably wake up again -- tuck them back in and walk away.  Each time after this that they get up, tuck them back in and walk away without saying a word to them.  You may have to get up 100 times a night for a 4-7 nights but after that they WILL stay in bed all night, trust me.

    Good luck!

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