
Kidney scan- Information about getting it done! need proper medical advice.

by  |  earlier

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i have to have some chest x-rays, and a scan done on my kidneys / assume my abdominal area also.

When i went to get the scan done, they told me i had to get it done within 10 days of when i start my cycle. ie gettin my period would be day one then i have a further 9 days.

I have to have these tests done soon and get the results as i am going back to see my consultant in 3 weeks.

I am not at all regular when it comes to getting my period, so i was wondering could i just say i got it in order to get the scan done?

What are the reasons you have to be within ten days of your cycle


is it any harm if i lied and said i was within my cycle?

(no chance of me being pregnant or anything by the way- im 21 if that matters)

help is greatly appreciated




  1. They are asking in case you could be pregnant.  If you are absolutely certain you can't be, a white lie won't hurt.  I've done it in the past.

  2. 9suns is right. You need proper medical advice.  Also, the more your doctor knows about the way your body behaves, the better.

  3. Hi

    Its the xrays not the scan that need to be done within the first 10 days and it is to ensure you are not pregnant. Xrays in pregnancy should be avoided where possible due to the risk to the developing baby. If you know for sure that you are not pregnant then yes it will be fine to make up a date for them.

    Hope all is well when you get your results x

  4. I think you should call the doctor and be perfectly honest about your cycle. Have the test done under their directions and tell them your concern. You might have to reschedule your tests, but better to have it done right the first time.

  5. The reason is entirely to ensure you are not pregnant. If you can be 100% sure that you are not pregnant, either by abstinence or by taking a test, then there is no reason not to have the scan done outside of this ten day rule. The hospital have this rule to cover themselves as well as to protect you, however they will take your word for it so if you lie to them about when your period was then they will not be able to prove otherwise and will go ahead and scan you. I think your most honest option is just to tell them that you have an irregular cycle and that you cannot predict when your period will be, and that you are happy for them to give you a pregnancy test prior to the scan. If they insist on a pregnancy test, make them supply it, don't pay for it yourself.

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